Outdoor Burning by Permit "OPEN"

MISSOULA - Missoula County Fire Protection Association (MCFPA) announced a return to MODERATE fire danger after a very arduous wildland fire season. Recent rains and cool seasonal temperatures have lowered the fire danger to levels that allow for issuance of outdoor burning permits in Missoula County.

Missoula County permits for agricultural or prescribed wildland burning are the only type of permits available in Missoula County this time of year. They are available online or at some local fire departments for $5. General permits (yard debris, for example) are only valid from March 1st through Aug. 31st each year. People with existing agricultural or prescribed wildland permits from this spring can activate them at http://www.burnpermit.mt.gov

Having a burn permit alone is not enough in Missoula County. Burners must activate their permit each day they want to burn by visiting http://www.burnpermit.mt.gov or by calling 1-888-583-6497. Missoula’s air quality determines if folks can burn on any given day, and the activation process provides information on current restrictions. To find out if Missoula County’s air shed is open for burning:

1. Call the Air Quality Hotline: (406) 258-4900 OR

2. Go to http://www.MCFPA.org and click on “Can I Burn Today?”

Everyone is encouraged to be aware and prepare for safe, secure burning. Burners will be held responsible for burns that get away and cause damage to their neighbors’ property. Call the local fire department or go to http://www.MCFPA.org for more information.


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