Ducks Unlimited Hosts Second Annual Banquet

SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Chapter of Ducks Unlimited (DU) hosted their second annual fundraising banquet, Oct. 17. People from around the area and as far away as Helena attended the banquet to show their support for conservation programs sponsored by the National Ducks Unlimited organization.

Although attendance was down a little bit from last year, one of the organizers Duane Anderson said that he thought the turnout was great for the second annual event.

"I've never killed a duck in my life but I love ducks and love seeing ducks. Anyone here is a plus [to raise funds for the mission of DU]."

Montana State Chairman Jim Daugherty was really excited to see the banquet return to Seeley Lake for a second year. He said typically there will be one banquet but to get a second one "starts involvement and the chapter keeps going."

While the money raised at the fundraiser goes to the national chapter, Daugherty said that Montana gets back, on average, three to four dollars for every dollar raised.

"The money we raise can get leveraged four to eight times when we work with our partners including the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and US Fish & Wildlife Service. Those funds are matched with NAWCA [North American Wetland Conservation Act] funds."

Attendees enjoyed a meal of roasted beef tenderloin and chicken picatta with all the fixings, catered by Seeley Lake chef Matt Lenz. They could participate in a number of raffles, the silent auction and live auction. Sixteen guns were given away at the event. One attendee has been attending DU banquets for 35 years and this was the first year he had won a gun.

"We wouldn't be anything without the help of our friends from the DU chapter in Lincoln. They have worked tirelessly to help pull this off," said Anderson. "I want to thank the community for their support and all the volunteers that made this happen. The money comes back to Montana for habitat projects. I'm excited for what DU does for habitat and conservation."


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