Opinion / Passages

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  • "Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son,

    Diana Taylor, Defendress of the Catholic Faith|Jan 7, 2021

    and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means, ‘God with us.’” Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23 The Perpetual Virginity of Mary is one of the Marian Dogmas of the Catholic Church. Dogmas are formalized truths from the apostles or sacred Tradition revealed by God to His Church and declared to be binding by the magisterium. Overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary took the Son of God into her womb while remaining a virgin, see Luke 1:26-[35]-56. “And the LORD said to me, ‘This gate shall remain shut; it shall not be opened, and no on...

  • Merry Pan-Christmas

    Shane Kesterke, Elder, Mission Bible Fellowship|Dec 31, 2020

    I think I have both heard and used the word pandemic more in the last 10 months than in the previous almost 50 years of my life combined. Along with the word pandemic, many other previously rarely used words have become commonplace, such as r-naught, COVID, asymptomatic, social distancing and on and on. It’s been an unusual year. Along with these newly used words, I thought I would introduce another one: pan-Christmas. The prefix “pan” simply means “all.” So pan-Christmas would mean all-Christmas - all, as in, for everyone and everywher...

  • The meaning of Christmas

    Pastor Erik Iverson, Faith Lutheran in Condon and Holy Cross Lutheran in Seeley Lake|Dec 24, 2020

    Throughout all human history, most all cultures have found themselves in times of turmoil, division and disarray. In some ways, we can arguably say that about our own society currently as we contend with a number of different issues. On the surface it can be, and is, overwhelming for many. So the overriding question is...what is to be done about it? It really all depends upon what...or in Whom...one places their trust. As of this reading, Christmas Eve/Day may have already passed. For many, it is but a day’s respite in a year fraught with a m...

  • When it gets dark, share light

    Rev. Carrie Benton, Pastor, Mountain Lakes Presbyterian Church|Dec 17, 2020

    "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness doesn't extinguish the light." John 1:5 Common English Bible I grew up in a violent, alcoholic home. I remember dreading the holidays. More drinking. More fighting. My hand-made ornaments lying broken in the street as the tree was thrown out of the house. The literal darkening of the days was compounded by this other darkness. I think this was one of the reasons I needed the Advent season--the focus was on light. As an adult looking back, I...

  • The incorruptible seed

    Stephen Moon, On a journey without end|Dec 10, 2020

    1 Peter 1:23 “Having been born again - not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible – through the living Word of Elohim, which remains forever.” Two seed/word lines, one incorruptible, one provided way: a word – birth from the beginning. The Word/Torah of Elihim, an eternal truth, the same yesterday, today and forever. 1 Peter 1:25 “but the Word of Elohim remains forever.” And this is the Word, announced as the Good News to you.” The other seed line, corrupted by the evil one, is ever changing by the desires and self-life of man. Sold as...

  • Walking in Christ

    Pastor Jim Johnson, Pastor, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Dec 3, 2020

    The Scriptures frequently speak about the "Christian Walk" as a description of a believers' behavior. For example, we are told to walk as children of light, walk in truth, walk according to the Spirit and walk in love. Colossians 2:6 uses this expression to give us an important command, "Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him." The question we must ask is: What does it mean to "Walk in Christ?" Here the word in does not have a literal usage, like "the hammer is in...

  • Fellowship at the Bull Pen

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|Nov 26, 2020

    Down Arizona way, near a place called Camp Verde, for several winters I hauled a load of log furniture to sell at Old Grumpy Dave's Auction. He rented the entire fairgrounds to sell western memorabilia and even mules and horses. It was a great place, I miss it. Anyway, while wait'n fer this here event to take place I was look'n for some midweek fellowship. Having overcome my denominational idolatry, the Spirit led me to a little ad in a local advertise. It sez something like "join us for...

  • There is but one lawgiver and Judge

    William Campbell, A servant of Christ|Nov 19, 2020

    I'm guessing that often we can fall into the category of having just enough knowledge to be misleading, or even dangerous. As Christians, it is possible, though we may have memorized some verses, to still overlook others. In so doing, we miss the big picture painted by Scripture. Homosexuality is a very difficult subject in today's society. Often we hear someone say, "You are being judgmental," or "they were born that way." Actually, considering the whole of Scripture, they are right in both...

  • God is not on our side

    Pastor Craig Wilson, Pastor - Mission Bible Fellowship|Nov 12, 2020

    Our country has gone through a very troubling year to say the least. The anticipation of the recent election defined as much of 2020 as has the coronavirus. Everything that has taken place this year has caused many sleepless nights and anxiety. A large part of the uncertainty hinged on the outcome of the recent election. The results of elections are also described in terms of who won or lost, or what issue won or lost. The elections end up being about sides, and what side ends up winning in the...

  • A call to live by faith

    Kapp L. Johnson, Retired pastor living in Seeley Lake|Nov 5, 2020

    We are having quite a week. Tuesday the election, last Saturday Halloween. In both cases COVID has again proven quite disruptive. But then disruption is becoming the norm. But Halloween wasn't the only event of October 31st. Another quite disruptive event took place. On that date in 1517, Martin Luther a mendicant Augustinian monk and university professor posted on the Wittenberg Castle Door 95 thesis for debate. The church door was where you posted public announcements so as those citizens who...

  • Listening to the voice of God in Scripture and in our lives - Do we hear Him?

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Oct 29, 2020

    President Russell M. Nelson issued the challenge to “think deeply and often about this key question: How do you hear Him?” He then promised, “When we seek to hear—truly hear—His Son, we will be guided to know what to do in any circumstance.” The scriptures preserve the precious words of God to His children. In the past His faithful saints heard Him and recorded His truths. Now in our day we can hear Him again as we read and ponder the scriptures, listen to and follow modern day prophets, and keep our spirits open to regular inspiration from hea...

  • Private religion

    Pastor Bruce Rippy, Condon Community Church|Oct 22, 2020

    We are currently going through Senate Confirmation Hearings for a Supreme Court Nominee. In recent decades this questioning has often focused on the candidate’s view of privacy. This was a veiled (recently, not so veiled) way to ask the candidate about their views on hot-button issues. One of the effects of this activity on the national stage is that as Americans we become increasingly more protective of private matters in our lives—areas in which we believe no one or no entity has a right to intervene. This is a thought that I fully und...

  • Mary prophesied, "...all generations shall call me blessed..." Luke 1:46-49

    Diana Taylor, Defendress of the Catholic Faith|Oct 15, 2020

    While Catholics worship God only, we are devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Why? • We honor Mary (and the saints) because they modeled virtuous, holy lives. • “The knot of Eve’s disobedience was loosed by the obedience of Mary. What the virgin Eve had bound in unbelief, the Virgin Mary loosed through faith” –Saint Irenaeus (~125-202). • Jesus comes to us through Mary’s obedience and faith. • Because Mary humbly said ‘Yes’ to the Father when told she will conceive by the Holy Spirit and bear the Son of God, Jesus never denies His Mother any...

  • Interpretation matters

    Rev. Carrie Benton, Pastor, Mountain Lakes Presbyterian Church|Oct 8, 2020

    God does not make sin nor does God cause sin to happen. God created the world and is still creating the whole universe good. God blesses it all, breathing life into the whole creation, so that life, abundant life, would grow exponentially-so that blessing would extend beyond anything we could ever imagine. This is still God's way-God's modus operandi: To bless, to give life, that all of creation may experience blessing and thrive. To bring healing, wholeness and restoration. To bring truth,...

  • Hope in times of trial

    Pastor Erik Iverson, Faith Lutheran in Condon and Holy Cross Lutheran in Seeley Lake|Oct 1, 2020

    “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope.” Romans 5: 3-4 Pastor Richard Wurmbrand was a Lutheran pastor from Romania. Prior to that, however, he was raised as a staunch atheist, orphaned at an early age. As an adolescent, he was noticed early on for his academic prowess by the local Communist officials, and sent to study Marxism in Moscow, to eventually become a paid Comintern agent back in his home country of Romania. After his marriage in...

  • Three lessons I learned from Wayne Cahoon

    Shane Kesterke, Elder, Mission Bible Fellowship|Sep 24, 2020

    My wife and I moved to Seeley Lake in August of 1993. Wayne and his wife Sandee were among the first people we met here in Seeley Lake. In fact, during our first Sunday worship service at Mission Bible Fellowship, back when service was still held upstairs, I believe we literally met everyone who attended that morning, and it seemed to me most of them had the last name of Cahoon! There was Melvin and his family, John and his family, Ralph and his family, and Wayne, Sandee, David and Chelsea (Christian and Joshua had not yet been born). Wayne...

  • Where will your journey end?

    Stephen Moon, On a journey without end|Sep 17, 2020

    To examine the Messiah’s journey is always a good check and to see the suffering of the One “Who created all things in the heavens and that are in the earth – all have been created through Him and for Him.” Colossians 1:16. Let’s go to John 7 where He endured the wrath of the people while on His time on earth. Verse 7 - The world hates Me. Verse 12 - There was much grumbling about Him. Also, verse 12 - He is leading the crowd into deception. Verse 15 - How He is un-learned. Verses 19 - Why do you seek to kill Me? Verse 20 -You have a demon. Ve...

  • The boundless love and goodness of God

    Pastor Jim Johnson, Pastor, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Sep 10, 2020

    Have you ever found yourself wide awake in the middle of the night with thoughts that just seem to tumble around in your head? I found myself in that situation about 3 a.m. one morning a few weeks ago. My mind seemed to be taking inventory of the events of the past year. The past year's challenges occupied most of my thoughts. The transition from a full-time student in Los Angeles California to a full-time pastor in Seeley Lake, Montana. The change in location was a blessing to me but becoming...

  • The friends

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|Sep 3, 2020

    Many moons ago there was a big burn over in Orchard country central Washington. Up in the mountains it fried most all the pine. There we were, crawl'n around try'n to salvage the timber. While look'n for a place to stay I heard about an old bunkhouse that was owned by a Apple Grove man. The fire crews used it, also, the apple pickers in the fall. Well, I figured if it was good enough for migrant workers it was good enough for me, see'n I was quite migratory myself. Another cutter on the job was...

  • Finding hope in troubled times

    William Campbell, A servant of Christ|Aug 27, 2020

    Someone once said, if you're not worried you're not paying attention. The apostle John recorded in his gospel, these words: "In this world you will have trouble." John 16:33. And anyone that's paying attention has certainly noticed the world seemingly crumbling before our very eyes. How then are we to find peace in a world of chaos? First, let's take a look at the words Jesus used preceding His pronouncement that we would find trouble in this world. His warning, "you will have troubles" is prece...

  • God's Word is sufficient

    Pastor Craig Wilson, Pastor - Mission Bible Fellowship|Aug 20, 2020

    Within our culture is a wide range of sources that claim to give wisdom, guidance and instruction. Many sadly choose to look to daily horoscopes to give insight into what might happen that day and wisdom for how to live. I read an article a while back that states: "NASA reveals you've had the wrong Zodiac sign all your life." Apparently, NASA quietly reminded the world that there are in fact 13 constellations in the original zodiac and not 12. The article actually blames the ancient...

  • One certainty in an uncertain world

    Kapp L. Johnson, Retired pastor living in Seeley Lake|Aug 13, 2020

    When I was in graduate school at Gonzaga University a few years ago, I was asked to read a book by sociologist Zugmunt Bauman called "Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty." He wrote a series of books over 10 years using the term "liquid" to describe the risk, fear and uncertainty of current global actions and confrontations. As I re-read the small book, I was struck with his observation of how institutions and social forms are decomposing faster than it takes to cast them. This...

  • That ye may learn wisdom

    President Sherman Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|Aug 6, 2020

    What Is Wisdom Literature? In the Bible, there is a set of writings called “Wisdom Literature.” These books include Proverbs, Psalms, Job, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. The purpose of wisdom literature is to preserve wise sayings of a righteous parent or leader to a young and growing child. The righteous and wise parent delivers instructions to the child on how to live a happy, prosperous life by putting God first and keeping the commandments. We see this in Proverbs 7:1-3, “My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee....

  • Blessing the space between us

    Roger Andruss, Elder, Condon Community Church|Jul 30, 2020

    “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 I watched a scene on the news recently that made me wince; the reporter was standing there with no one within hundreds of yards, yet he had a face mask on. Even the cameraman was a dozen yards away with a long microphone “boom” bridging the space between them. I could barely understand his words. It felt iconic of the moment, as he stood there isolated, and of the space opening...

  • Repent and convert

    Diana Taylor, Defendress of the Catholic Faith|Jul 23, 2020

    “Such as I love, I rebuke and chastise.” Revelation 3:14-22 “…unless you repent, you too will all perish.” Luke 13:1-5 Punishments in families and in society such as time-outs and arrests can change bad behavior to good behavior to keep the moral order. Similarly, God chastises, or punishes, us who sin and serve other gods or idols, which are things that are more important to us than God, for example: ourselves, others, activities, beliefs, things, sins, etc. 1st Commandment: “I am the LORD thy God,…You shall not have strange gods before m...

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