Sorted by date Results 436 - 460 of 1188
As the number of COVID-19 cases rises in the state of Montana, we, leaders at Montana’s chambers of commerce and destination marketing organizations, join our business friends and colleagues throughout the state in calling on the public to wear masks or cloth face coverings to protect the health and viability of the communities we represent. In order for us to continue reopening or remain open as a state, it is imperative that we slow the spread of COVID-19. The CDC recommends mask-wearing to help slow the spread of the virus, which in turn c...
It’s time for Senator Steve Daines to get with the program and be a real champion for Montana’s public lands. Daines likes to talk about how supportive he is of our outdoor way of life but we see right through it when he refuses to support common-sense measures like the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act. This made-in-Montana solution would protect nearly 80,000 acres of beautiful Montana wilderness while boosting access to recreation areas and creating jobs. A bipartisan group of stakeholders from all around Montana -- from sportsmen to ran...
SEELEY LAKE - Coming soon will be increased sewer tax assessments for ‘water-linked’ properties ranging from $1,200 to $2,000 to pay ADMINISTRATIVE sewer costs. Other properties in the district are assessed only $90 to $700 for exactly the same purpose. Your new tax can be found in a 10 page, small print document called: “FY21 Assessment Methodology Assessment Options.” Even if you still support the sewer project, I assume you’ll INSIST on being treated FAIRLY in the process. This change in assessments was conceived out of fairness....
After reading about the person that lost their dog to a mountain lion recently, I thought I would send a picture of my Schnauzer "Buddy" wearing his "Coyote Vest." It is made of Kevlar and has 2.5" spikes down the back and around his throat. I lost a Schnauzer to a pair of foxes three years ago. I wanted something that would give my new pup some measure of added protection. We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of Montana with lots of wildlife. Lots of the wildlife that live around...
Fewer than three enduring years ago, Ryan Zinke, the former kleptomaniac Secretary of the Interior, slithered into the Oval Office of President Trump. Zinke's tedious graft and deceit completed, he delivered a barratry report recommending rescinding the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah. Similar to a sticky-fingered sutler swilling goods and profits from agency trade posts to siphon fat-in-the-fire kickbacks to Secretary of War, William Belknap, during President Grant's administration, Zinke became the modern version of the thieving Indian...
We recently met with Governor Bullock and the two minority leaders of the Montana legislature to discuss Montana’s failing economy and budget issues due to the Governor’s closures. While we appreciated the rare opportunity to discuss the pressing issues facing Montanans with the Governor, this meeting merely served as a press conference for the Governor’s campaign with hand-picked members of the press and provided no opportunity to have substantive conversations about the challenges facing Montana families. As a result of the coronavirus pande...
SEELEY LAKE - If this sewer was a good idea, users in the district would be ALL for it and it would have been built already. As proposed, it’s dissolved into a decades-long lawyer and lawsuit can-of-worms and getting worse. After the recent board election, members of the board had a CLOSED meeting to discuss how to manage the influence of two newly elected members who weren’t seated yet. Their solution was a LAWSUIT aimed to stop two new members” from taking any steps that may interrupt the ongoing sewer project.” Seriously? Is this the kin...
That was a great article in the Thursday, June 18 issue of the Pathfinder by Dale Terrillion on “Public Lands”. It seems the government forgets who owns and pays taxes to support public lands. I don’t understand why disabled groups, senior citizen groups, sports groups and wild life groups can’t get together and file class action lawsuits to open up public lands to all citizens. Why are we paying for property we can’t have access to and enjoy? There should be representatives made up of members of these various groups along with representation f...
Steve Daines’ campaign ads that claim he will bring back the jobs from overseas suggest he is either stupid or naive. Here’s why... The jobs, if they ever were in the U.S, went overseas because there is cheaper labor and less government regulation - hence more profit for the companies that went there. Until those things change, U.S. companies will continue to base their manufacturing overseas. Should a company decide to return its operations back to the U.S. there’s a good chance it will not be able to find workers to perform the labor...
I noticed in last week’s Pathfinder in letters to the editor that several people felt that Mr. Ashmore was trying to infringe on Roxie’s first amendment rights. I think one of them even offered the advice, if you did not like her letter, don’t read it. Seems he was not willing to take his own advice. Mr. Ashmore was just stating his opinion, which is his right. Remember the first amendment!! I would offer this advice to all, “Just Chill Out.” Hopefully, this nightmare will be over in November....
The “Hungry Horse News” reported that, “Two horsemen on a recent trip into the Bob Marshall Wilderness said they found something they never expected: A couple fishing on a sandbar of the South Fork of the Flathead after allegedly landing a helicopter there.” It was May 16, the opening day of fishing season. The owner of the helicopter Sara Schwerin is a former NYC banking executive now living in Montana. When questioned by the horsemen “what makes you...
With all the things that are going on in the country right now I am worried about fairness and balance in the media, especially after The New York Times capitulated to the left wingers demanding a letter from a prominent republican (Tom Cotton) be retracted and apologized for. The one comfort I was afforded was that at least our fair and balanced local paper still holds to the values that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Heaven knows that even I get tired of certain people droning on and on about issues that are important to them. My...
COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are at more than 100,000, more than 40 million people have filed for unemployment and the U.S. economy is officially in “recession.” While Montana has experienced relatively few deaths, its economy, too, is taking a substantial hit as people socially isolate and “non-essential” businesses have been shuttered. Montana is one of the very few states that does not have a general sales tax and instead relies on the property tax to fund its state and local governments. States which do depend on the sales tax have had to...
In defense of Roxie Sterling, I think the first amendment is still in effect. But the way things are goin,’ it may not be for long. She has a right to express her political views. Some may not like it but that’s her right as an American. Perhaps she hasn’t figured out how to be politically correct. Mr. Ashmore gave some good advice though, register some voters. Anyway, all those who can’t get beyond the hatred for Trump, try and think of more pleasant things. Lower your mask – take a deep breath – quickly wash your hands (at least 20 seconds)...
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the residents and voters of Missoula County for supporting the two-cent local option fuel tax. This new funding helps us complete much needed road maintenance and improvements – and distributes a portion of the cost to the folks who visit Missoula County. The results were close and we recognize our responsibility to use this funding in an impactful way that benefits all residents of the county. For many years, we’ve struggled to keep up with the cost of providing good roads. The federal gas tax has...
I fail to see the value in Roxie Sterling’s frequent, vitriolic diatribes denigrating democrats. We know all too well where she stands on the issues facing this country. Her incessant belittling of people and their opinions, that do not concur with her own, will do nothing to change the political landscape nor will it serve to unite the various factions. Please Roxie do everyone (that includes you) a favor and utilize your time in a more productive endeavor such as going out and registering voters and desist with the tiresome letters. S...
This morning I spent picking up yard signs with Carter and thinking about all the many people who helped the campaign be a great success, and you are one of them. We still have a journey ahead, but last night was a major victory, we won the primary with 68% of the vote, and I have you all to thank for that. There were thousands of postcards and hand written notes mailed, thousands of phone calls made and doors knocked, 150 yard signs delivered, numerous letters to the editor, I can’t tell you how many emails and social media posts went out a...
As I watched the national news over the past couple of weeks, I was reminded of the Darwin Awards. According to the rules posted on the Darwin Awards website, nominees for the award “significantly improve the gene pool by eliminating themselves from the human race in an obviously stupid way.” Furthermore, “they are self-selected examples of the dangers inherent in a lack of common sense,” and represent an “astounding misapplication of judgment.” I suspect the leading candidate for a 2020 “Darwin Group Award” will be all those people who chos...
SEELEY LAKE - When deciding the proposed sewer, I hope the conservative, financially and socially responsible citizens of Seeley consider this: • Combined utility, water and sewer costs per user is likely to be THREE times what’s considered a normal/fair rate...unless we beg for more grants and hope for help from somewhere. [Montana Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation / Pathfinder article “Annual assessment may double” 05/28/2020] • Is now really the right time to saddle the village of Seeley with a never-ending debt? We are in the mi...
The county has taken some great steps on jail diversion to break the cycle of addiction and misdemeanor arrest but we need statewide leadership on this issue, especially in the office of the Montana Attorney General, the state’s chief law enforcement officer. Kimberly Dudik has a proven record of reforming our criminal justice system. She held offenders accountable and protected vulnerable populations as a Deputy Gallatin County Attorney and an Assistant Attorney General under Attorney Governor Steve Bullock. As a private attorney, Dudik f...
In my opinion Obama and Biden are clear up to then necks in the deep state swamp. They interfered in the Trump campaign and in the presidency of our President Donald Trump. Other presidents left the White House gracefully and kept their mouth shut so the new president could get on with the agenda he ran on and was voted into office for by the American people. Obama does not care about the will of the American people. He made sure he left his liberal leftwing people to criminally undermine our duly elected president. Obama still can’t keep h...
As Montana enters the second stage of reopening, we still have a long, slow recovery ahead of us. Missoula Aging Services (MAS) has seen first-hand how difficult this crisis has been for older Montanans, especially those already struggling with limited resources. We’ve seen a significant increase in demand for our Nutrition Services and many of our older neighbors, who are the most vulnerable to the coronavirus, often live alone and can’t receive assistance from friends or family due to social distancing. John is a MAS client who depends on...
Unemployment rates are soaring and millions of Americans are unemployed. We need a leader who will put these Americans first and that’s exactly what Senator Steve Daines is doing. Daines is working on legislation to protect the American worker by extending President Trump’s 60-day travel ban for people trying to enter the United States. As we reopen our economy, Americans who lost their jobs due to the pandemic should be the first in line to fill open jobs - not immigrants. We need to protect our own first at this point in time and that mea...
As someone who has spent my career in the private sector, nonprofit sector and two decades in public service for the state of Montana, including working for Governor Brian Schweitzer, I am supporting Whitney Williams for Governor and her running mate Buzz Mattelin. As a team they bring exactly what I believe Montana needs to move forward at this very difficult time. Whitney and Buzz are leaders and problem solvers with vast experience in Montana and beyond. They will consider the needs of all of Montana, including small and rural towns often...
I saw this on social media and thought it spoke to the divide in our nation. “How sad it must be believing that scientists, scholars, historians, economists and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your only beacon of truth and honesty.” @christophurious...