Opinion / Letters To Editor

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  • Tell Your Representatives to Vote YES on HB 570

    Elinor Williamson, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Mar 16, 2017

    Once again we see the horrors of puppy mills, with 38 dogs found last week. Will you please stop this terrible cruelty by calling your Representative and Senator and ask them to vote ‘Yes’ on House Bill (HB) 570, the bill that is in the House and Labor committees and requires licensure and inspection for pet breeders. Please call 406-444-4800. When someone answers tell them you want them to vote yes on HB570 and leave a message for our Representative Mike Hopkins to please vote yes. I have called Hopkins twice and have not received an ans...

  • BCSA Is a Benefit?

    Ken Kronsperger, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Mar 9, 2017

    From what I read about the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act (BCSA), there is very little local opposition to adding another 70,000 acres of wilderness to the millions that we already have. I must wonder what local they surveyed? How did they know the political affiliations of all those surveyed? Why would that be pertinent in a survey unless one was trying to justify a result that might not necessarily be valid? It is very nice that we have people coming from all over the world to go into the wilderness but we have people that LIVE HERE...

  • Opportunity to Honor Balanced Approach of BCSP

    Alex Philp Ph.D., Missoula, Mont.|Mar 9, 2017

    When the timber industry can sit down with conservationists and ranchers can see eye to eye with recreationists – we need leaders who will listen and honor those efforts. That’s why the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Project (BCSP) is so unique. It’s a Montana-made model for managing our lands – a much better alternative to selling off our public lands to the highest bidder or settling for top-down, one-size-fits-all land management directives from Washington, D.C. As a tech entrepreneur, our public lands provide a competitive advanta...

  • Elbow Gravel Pit – Unwise and Unnecessary

    Jane Grochowski, Greenough, Mont.|Mar 9, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - I couldn’t agree more with Libby Langston and Douglas Waldron about the proposed Elbow Gravel Pit. It defies common sense to locate a gravel pit – with all the inherent noise and disruption – smack in the middle of a wildlife corridor. The scoping notice states the activity would occur “primarily” over three to six months but does not state the proposed hours of the activity. According to the Montana DEQ website, LHC holds six open cut permits: 2379, 1388, 1432, 2635, 2411, 650. Of the three that I scanned, one (2411) allows op...

  • Grateful for Senator Tester's Support of Homegrown Approach to Land Management and Job Creation

    Ron Hooper - CEO Neptune Aviation Services Inc., Missoula, Mont.|Mar 9, 2017

    In Montana, we know how to turn casual conversations into collaborative policies that work for the benefit of all. The Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Project is a model for homegrown collaboration that works. It includes the support of a diverse group of local businesses and individuals. Through the passing of the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act, the Forest Service will be given more tools to actively manage our forests and continue to put our neighbors and friends to work. This Act and the tools provided therein is an example of how...

  • Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act Will Ensure the Magic of Montana Forever

    Lee Boman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Mar 2, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - It doesn’t matter if you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent. It makes no difference if you enjoy snowmobiling or hiking or both. Regardless of personal preferences, all Montanans can be proud of the proposal a group of local folks generated over ten years. The proposal is now known as the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act. If passed it will enhance timber, recreation and conservation forever in about 80,000 acres near Ovando and Seeley Lake. It turns out working together is valued by most Montanans. A poll, conducted b...

  • Thank You Volunteers!

    Merrily and Larry Dunham, Condon, Mont.|Mar 2, 2017

    SWAN VALLEY - I read in the Feb. 23 issue of the Pathfinder about the article, “Condon House Fire Total Loss”. What a great group of volunteers we have in the Swan Valley Emergency Services! They responded to this house fire at midnight on a cold winter night, to find the driveway to the house pretty much impassible to the fire truck. They were not deterred—they chained up the truck and BACKED it down the quarter mile of curving driveway to respond. Unfortunately, the fire was fully involved before they got there (maybe even before they were...

  • Enough Already – No Elbow Gravel Pit

    Douglas E. Waldron, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Mar 2, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - I wholeheartily agree with Libby Langston’s letter to the Seeley Swan Pathfinder dated Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017, “Do Not Create the Elbow Gravel Pit.” Possibly, some of these brain thrush people at DNRC who want to make this deal should drive north and south on Highway 83, preferable at night… Gee look here, a “warning sign,” placed on Highway 83, after turning from Highway 200, a warning sign approximately 69” x 132” of, ‘Gee? “WILDLIFE CROSSING.” You might want to look for the osprey, golden and bald eagles, ravens, etc....

  • Declare Legal Protection At Conception

    Annie Bukacek - MD, Kalispell, Mont.|Mar 2, 2017

    With 25 years of clinical experience, and scores of patients who have had abortions, I have never met a woman who wasn’t emotionally harmed by it. Post abortive woman’s feelings, health and humanity are ignored in the pro-abortion arguments... not to mention potential physical complications for the mother including death and sterility. Post abortion women learn later in life when happily pregnant that at conception the unborn child has its own distinctively human genome, separate from the mother—already established gender, hair and eye color. T...

  • Thank You for Making the 2017 Seeley Lake ROCKS Peter Hale Race a Huge Success

    Seeley Lake ROCKS Race Committee, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Feb 23, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - We would like to sincerely thank our hosts, partners, volunteers and racers that made the 2017 Seeley Lake ROCKS Peter Hale Race a huge success. The hosts, partners and many volunteers involved again exemplifies what Seeley Lake always demonstrates….working together creates a big success. Our Olympic partner John Morton was impressed with the viability of such a small town and its welcoming personality. Fifty-One skiers completed the race on Feb. 4 at the Rich Ranch. Our youngest racer was Macy Williams, Ovando. The oldest r...

  • Response to Trimble - Give Our President a Chance

    Roxie Sterling, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Feb 23, 2017

    In regards to Mr. Tod Trimble’s letter titled “Sad Day for Montana’s Representation” in the Pathfinder Feb. 16. Mr. Trimble has the right to his opinion and so do I. I praise Senator Steve Daines for voting for Betsy De Vos. Mr. President Donald Trump doesn’t even have all his people in place yet. Shame on you Democrats. Senator Elizabeth Warren needed to be silenced. She broke a rule and was out of bounds. You didn’t mention that she broke a rule. As for likening Senator Steve Daines to the Kremlin and Reichstag. I again say shame on you Mr....

  • Do Not Create the Elbow Gravel Pit

    Libby Langston, Greenough, Mont.|Feb 23, 2017

    GREENOUGH - In response to the Jan. 30, 2017 letter from the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation about the proposed Elbow Gravel Pit, I have several points to make and questions to ask. First of all, the location of this five-acre gravel pit is an offense to the wildness of the area. The extremely noisy and disruptive operation is proposed to be located in a major wildlife corridor between the Blackfoot-Clearwater Game Range and the Clearwater River and of course, on a larger scale, between the Bob Marshall Wilderness and the Rattl...

  • Make Your Opinion About Wilderness Known

    Curtis Friede, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Feb 23, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - Senator Jon Tester is launching his new wilderness bill this week. I encourage anyone who is not in favor of more wilderness designated on the Seeley Lake Ranger District to email or call our Montana Senators Steve Daines and Tester. They need to understand that there are people in our community that do oppose wilderness. Tell him we don’t need more wilderness in our valley and why. Send an email on Senator Daines’ website www.daines.senate.gov or call and leave a voice message for him in Helena 406-443-3189. Senator Tester can...

  • Sad Day for Montana's Representation

    Tod Trimble, Stevensville, Mont.|Feb 16, 2017

    Twice in one day, Senator Steve Daines has disgraced Montana. “School choice” does not help the budget of public schools in our cities and towns and it offers nothing whatsoever for education in our rural areas, where there will never be charter schools to offer “choice.” But Daines chose to back out-of-state campaign contributions over the interests of Montanans when he voted for Betsy deVos. Later the same day, he played toady to authoritarian party powers, helping to silence open, honest debate, with the party-line vote to silence Senator...

  • Help Us Help You!

    Swan Valley Emergency Services, Condon, Mont.|Feb 16, 2017

    Swan Valley Emergency Services (SVES) would like to share some situations we have dealt with when responding to emergencies. With the recent warmer weather (annual mid-winter thaw) the ice/snow pack on driveways and approaches is giving way to deep slush making normal car and truck traffic difficult. Many driveways are plowed to accommodate one lane with a seven to eight foot snowplow. Guess what it’s like with a fire engine 28 ft long, 9-10 feet wide or a water tender hauling 3,000 gallons of water on this same driveway? In some cases it i...

  • Thank You for Your Cooperation

    Local Emergency Responders and Law Enforcement|Feb 16, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Fire District and the Missoula County Sheriff’s Office want to thank the residents of Seeley Lake for their patience and cooperation during the Saturday, Feb. 4 propane incident. Your calm demeanor during the evacuation and subsequent re-routing of traffic was an example for other Missoula County communities to follow. We never know when evacuations will be necessary. Whether it is a hazardous materials emergency, wildland urban interface fire or law enforcement operation, a calm and orderly movement of our r...

  • Jobs are More Important than Recreation

    Roxie Sterling, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Feb 9, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - I currently live 100 yards from the Seeley Lake airport and a quarter mile from Cottonwood Lakes Road. I know a little bit about gravel pits. As a child, I lived with my parents and my three siblings at a gravel pit in Western Montana. My Dad was employed as a crusher operator and he only had to walk 100 yards from our camper to the crusher. The owner was gracious enough to let us live there for a year. My siblings and I loved it, the gravel pit on one side and the Flathead River on the other side of our camper. My Mom never once...

  • Response to "Not My Land"

    John Rice, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Feb 2, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - In response to the recent letter to the Pathfinder Editor dated Jan. 19, 2017 entitled Not My Land by Roxie Sterling. My family also has a long history here with a grandfather who ran a stagecoach and later became sheriff of Missoula County. Roxie, I am sure you would agree that your property value increased as a result of the Double Arrow Development. However, the same cannot be said of the property values of those unfortunate folks who are neighbors of this gravel pit if it is allowed to proceed. I am also quite sure you must...

  • Thoughts on the Speed Limit Change

    Lynn Carey, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Feb 2, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - I read with interest the article about the speed limits through town. Now I was totally out of the loop as to the where fore, what fore of the speed limit change. I would like to offer a few thoughts I have on the subject. I have no problem with extending the speed limit farther south to the turn lane at the Market. But to go from 25 miles per hour (mph) to 35 mph, then to 40 mph is just plain ridiculous. They could have gone from 25 to 40 with no problem. Concerning enforcement, if the local officers would sit at the plumbing...

  • Response to Last Week's Speed Limit Article

    Duane Schlabach, SLCC Trafic Project Chairman, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Feb 2, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - As Chair of the Seeley Lake Community Council’s Traffic Project, I feel it’s my civic duty to ensure that the public is informed of all the facts surrounding the Council’s Traffic Project. This article is a direct response to the article in the Pathfinder last week about opposition to the reduced speed limits [entitled “Petition Demands Speed Limit Change Reversed]. My purpose here is to provide clarity with facts since the Council was never contacted for comment as part of last week’s article. The genesis of the Council’s...

  • Not My Land - Let Lewis Have a Gravel Pit and Make a Living

    Roxie Sterling, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Jan 19, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - I moved to the beautiful mountain town of Seeley Lake in 1961 at the age of 16. My husband moved here two years before in 1959. We were here for many years before the Double Arrow Ranch subdivided. I didn’t like it but it wasn’t my land so it was none of my business. There are beautiful homes and wonderful people living there now but we need to remember others were here first, like the Lewis family. Their kids went to school with our kids. They have been scrambling to make a living like the rest of the work force in Seeley, pay...

  • Shame on Commissioners

    John Rice, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Jan 5, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - The Missoula County Commissioners have refused to give aid in preventing a gravel pit and asphalt plant that has been purposed for property on the Cottonwood Lakes Road. The Commissioners don’t seem to have any problem with these citizens paying taxes for programs such as a new Missoula Library or Missoula Parks and Trails that directly benefit the City of Missoula and a handful of county residents close to town but is of very little use to those in Seeley Lake and other outer areas of the County. If the commissioners are not c...

  • The People Said No. Get Over It!

    Stuart Stone, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Dec 29, 2016

    SEELEY LAKE - Where do I begin? What don’t people understand about losing? The Democrats had a meltdown when they lost the election. They wouldn’t drop it. I didn’t see the Republicans having a fit when this last president was elected. Just get over it. You lost. Now our sewer board is having a melt down because the people voted No. Again, get over it. The people said no. Isn’t that enough? Drop it....

  • Seeley Lake Ranger District Not Addressing Safety and Environmental Threat

    John Rice, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Dec 29, 2016

    SEELEY LAKE - I recently read in the Dec. 8 edition of the Pathfinder a considerably lengthy article by Seeley Lake Ranger Rachel Feigley concerning all the good work and cooperation of the National Forest Service. So, I am left somewhat confused as to why Ranger Feigley seems to be reluctant to address one of the biggest threats to the local environment and the safety and well being of the citizens and other recreationalists that come to Seeley Lake. Of course I am speaking of the purposed gravel pit and asphalt plant on the Cottonwood Lakes...

  • Pathfinder Not to Blame

    Klaus von Stutterheim, Seeley Lake, Mont.|Dec 29, 2016

    SEELEY LAKE - It was with dismay that I learned last week that the Pathfinder was attacked for your coverage of the sewer vote. As you know, I am not an uncritical reader, but I have never seen any hint of bias or slant in your paper. In fact, I continue to applaud the rigorous impartiality with which you have been writing about controversial topics for years now. And the persistence with which you drill into the depth of complex issues is on par with the best investigative reporting anywhere. I can think of several reasons why the sewer vote...

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