Opinion / Letters To Editor

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  • Huge thank you for the support!

    The Guitar Family, Seeley Lake, Montana|Oct 28, 2021

    SEELEY LAKE - Thank you to everyone who donated goodies or came out to support us by buying some delicious baked goods. We appreciate everyone so much. This community has been nothing short of amazing! Thank you all, The Guitar Family...

  • Stick to the facts and include all information at Pet Release Clinics

    Jon Haufler and Carolyn Mehl, Seeley Lake, Montana|Oct 28, 2021

    We were unable to attend the local trapping clinic last week but were told a question was asked regarding our dogs being snared while we were bird hunting last season on public lands, with one dog killed as a result. A clinic presenter, a Montana Trappers Association (MTA) rep, responded by saying our dog died because we had not trained it to be “leash-broke” and he “heard our dogs were out of control and running wildly.” It is a well-worn and sad MTA strategy to try to shift blame in this way for the consequences of trapper actions onto th...

  • Senator Daines' priorities are wrong for Montana

    Talia Burk, Missoula, Montana|Oct 28, 2021

    Senator John Tester is in support of the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act (BCSA) as are many Montanans and Missoulians. This bill is intended to expand protections to the headwaters of the Blackfoot and Clearwater Rivers, while improving and expanding outdoor recreation areas for the public. The BCSA has already given Senator Steve Daines what he says he prioritizes jobs and investment in Montana. According to a Missoula Current article, 153 union jobs and 57 million dollars have been given to the local economy through Southwest Crown of th...

  • Fight Senator Daines' move to take lands from Montanans

    Patrick Berzsenyi, Missoula, Montana|Oct 28, 2021

    The Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act is popular and for good reason. Over 70% of Montanans support the bill because they understand that forest lands and headwaters within those lands in particular need protection. In that 30%, however, one is able to find Senator Steven Daines. Standing against the majority, he, in the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests and Mining offered a somewhat confusing deal: if Tester and company want to add around 80,000 acres to our state’s public lands, specifically the Bob Marshall, then it is c...

  • Clarification on SOS Road land ownership

    Lauraine Lowe, Seeley Lake, Montana|Oct 21, 2021

    Regarding article Alpine Trails Phases 3 and 4 in the Sept. 16, 2021 Pathfinder, clarification is needed. The statement made by Kevin Wetherell to the Missoula County Commissioners was false. Prior to the Lowes purchasing property on SOS Road, the owners were the Spaffords. Kevin Wetherell never had ownership of the property. Records have been checked at the County Recorder....

  • Speak up about new wolf laws

    Elinor Williamson, Saint Petersburg, Florida|Oct 21, 2021

    After reading how the wolves are going to be maintained now, I was sick at heart. Gray wolves are already in danger due to humans. Hopefully they will be listed before they are all killed off. Now we hear from the governor and legislature, who I doubt have ever seen a live wolf, and give free rein to those who will allow the slaughter of these wolves by traps. It is such a cruel and unsporting way for wolves and a terrible danger for our dogs, cats and other animals. Then they say baiting can be used. Such a sportsman to stand and shoot an...

  • COVID Vaccine - A matter of life or death

    Ruth Stebleton, Seeley Lake, Montana|Oct 7, 2021

    Sanford Health, a large hospital in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota, shared a chart Sept. 28, 2021 regarding hospitalizations and vaccination status. Out of 158 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, 12 were vaccinated and 146 were unvaccinated. Out of 47 patients in the Intensive Care Unit, two were vaccinated and 45 were not. Of the 28 patients on ventilators, no one was vaccinated. I was a nurse for over 40 years. Nurses are caring people but we do have our limits. I would be very upset taking care of a patient on a ventilator who had...

  • Wolf management not necessary - trapping only for sport

    Chris Albert, Lebanon Junction, Kentucky|Oct 7, 2021

    Thank you for publishing “Local trappers weigh in on wolf regulations” in the Sept. 30, 2021 issue of the Seeley Swan Pathfinder. As a veterinarian I have the honor of attending to illnesses and injuries of animals. Among the worst and most painful are trapping injuries. Rotting, foul smelling, gangrenous limbs. Broken toes and pain. We know that the pain of diminished circulation is profound, in animals as well as humans, and traps do that most of all simply by the intensity of how they “hold.” Most of the injuries I tend to are uninten...

  • Respect people's choice, provide other options

    Teresa Friede, Seeley Lake, Montana|Sep 30, 2021

    It is long past time to stop shaming/bullying people who have chosen not to get vaccinated. Everyone knows COVID-19 is serious but people have valid reasons why they won’t or CAN’T get vaccinated. People have had bad reactions, been hospitalized and even died after receiving the vaccine. Yes the vaccine has saved lives but it is not for everyone and is not safe for everyone. We need to respect people’s choices even if we don’t agree with them. One size doesn’t fit all where COVID-19 is concerned, but the vaccine seems to be the only thing the...

  • Take a harder look, the public is watching

    Steve Wallace, Missoula, Montana|Sep 9, 2021

    After reading the recent article in the Aug. 26 edition about the Forest Service withdrawing their project in the Scapegoat Wilderness, I couldn’t restrain myself any longer. The Forest Service and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks appear to be laboring under the perception that somehow, nobody is paying any attention. It appears that a number of well-heeled environmental groups are watching. There’s a surprise. All you have to say is we are going to land helicopters, run motorboats around and use generators to poison three lakes and 67 miles of...

  • Realtor commissions raise housing costs and promote government growth

    Don Larson, Seeley Lake, Montana|Sep 9, 2021

    Realtor Kevin Wetherell has noted home prices in the Seeley area have jumped by 53%...to an average price of $399,000. So much for affordable housing in Seeley Lake. What he does not mention, discuss or analyze is the impact realtors’ sales commissions have on housing prices. I would submit realtors’ commissions have a direct effect on the increased cost of housing AND the growth of local government. Here’s how: The realtors commission becomes part of the sales price of a home. That 4-6% increase in cost translates as a direct increase on an...

  • My reply to my Dear BCSA Followers

    Ken Kronsperger, Seeley Lake, Montana|Aug 26, 2021

    The 80,000 acres that you crave is already under the protection of the US Forest Service. That is right, no subdivision will be put there! The ONLY thing the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act would do is to keep those nasty, raggedy people out of there that are elderly or handicapped. Wilderness - no assistance from mechanized devices - precludes our access and that is really what you want. These 80,000 acres HAD logging roads in it many years ago and therefore should NOT be eligible for wilderness designation. It should be open to ALL the...

  • Protect our public lands and outdoor economy with BCSA

    Lillian King, Missoula, Mont.|Aug 19, 2021

    The Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act (BCSA) is a bill introduced to Congress by Senator Jon Tester that will further protect the Blackfoot River by expanding protections to its headwaters as part of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area. The BCSA will also create more space for outdoor recreation near the Blackfoot and Clearwater Rivers and improve timber production and forest restoration in and around Seeley Lake. We need public policy that works to help one of the fastest-growing economic sectors in Montana - tourism and outdoor recreation....

  • Work with others' strengths for the good of the community

    Cheri Thompson, Seeley Lake, Montana|Aug 12, 2021

    Thank you for the heart-warming article even in the face of the fire tragedy. Chief Dave Lane made such positive comments on the efforts of neighbors and the community members coming together for the good of all. As he said, it wasn’t perfect but it worked. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this was just the beginning of community members coming together in a positive, non-territorial way to work on the issue of a deficit in volunteers within the fire department. My heartfelt wish is that all the interested parties sit down at a ROUND table, add...

  • Focus letters on local communities

    Nathan and Andi Bourne, Seeley Lake, Montana|Aug 5, 2021

    Dear Roxie Sterling, The change to our Letters to the Editor policy restricting letters to local issues is not meant to cancel conservative voices. This change equally affects letter writers from all political views and opinions as it pertains to national politics and issues. We will not allow one view and silence the other. We feel there are many different platforms to address issues at the national level. What makes the Seeley Swan Pathfinder unique is that it focuses on the Clearwater, Swan and Blackfoot Valley events, people and issues.... Full story

  • Thank you for your support

    Sariah Maughan and Kyla Conley, Seeley Lake and Condon, Montana|Aug 5, 2021

    SEELEY LAKE - We would like to say a big thank you to all who helped support us on our journey this summer for Junior Olympics track. Especially all the businesses who donated and the individuals who came and supported our car wash. We greatly appreciate each and every one of you guys....

  • National issues are local issues

    Roxie Sterling, Seeley Lake, Montana|Jul 29, 2021

    Dear Nathan and Andi – I can see that we have a difference of opinion. I consider the issues of voting laws, free speech, gun rights, school curriculum, immigration, the Constitution of the United States of America, masks and vaccines, etc. all of extreme importance to every community in America. Millions of conservative voices are being canceled all across our America. I was first very surprised and disappointed that conservative voices are being canceled even in our community. Thank you for the time you allowed me to voice my opinion. T...

  • Sewer Board headed in right direction

    Don Larson, Seeley Lake, Montana|Jul 29, 2021

    SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer Board is sorting out its priorities and finally heading in a good direction. I appreciate the work done by Beth Hutchinson who has worked tirelessly on behalf of Seeley Lake to ensure a sensible wastewater treatment policy. Without Hutchinson’s efforts, the 500 sewer district residents would be stuck with an ill-conceived, $35 million sewer project pushed by local development groups who have large land holdings in the district. She is a shining example of what community involvement should be and her cool h...

  • Save our deputy

    Lauraine Lowe, Seeley Lake, Montana|Jul 22, 2021

    SEELEY LAKE – Why are a select few attacking our Deputy Sheriff who’s a decent family man and who’s part of our community? Deputy Ryan Dunster is an asset to us all here in Seeley Lake. The complaints against Deputy Dunster are so petty it’s ridiculous. How much more DRAMA does this community need? So far the attacks have been against the Ranger Station, Fire Department, School Board, Water Board and even a principal! Who’s next? Apparently these troublemakers have nothing better to do than stir the POT!! Here is a thought, shut your mouth and...

  • Lessons to be learned - not political platform to be used

    Andrea Morgan, Ovando, Montana|Jul 15, 2021

    I am lucky enough to live outside of Ovando, between the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex and the mighty Blackfoot River. My entire community is deeply shocked and saddened by the recent bear attack. I offer my sincere condolences for the victim, her friends and family, and for the community of bicyclists that frequent the wild and beautiful spaces we inhabit. As I write, helicopters and planes are flying grids over town and the outskirts, searching for the responsible bear, and flushing animals out of hiding into the open in the process....

  • Response requires honestly

    Willie Bernstrauch, Swink, Colorado|Jul 8, 2021

    SEELEY LAKE - On June 29 my son and father were in a vehicle wreck. As a father it’s terrifying to hear. I called my son who was complaining of his stomach hurting from the seat belt and his leg that was hurting from hitting the dash and tried comforting him. He was crying the entire time I was on the phone with him. I asked him if the ambulance had arrived and he told me they had, they were taking care of the pregnant lady in the other car (which I have no problem with, she’s pregnant.) Now here’s where I have issues with the situation that...

  • Fight the good fight for our children and our country

    Roxie Sterling, Seeley Lake, Montana|Jul 1, 2021

    I know why the left wing Democrats, left media, big tech and the swamp can’t open their own door. It is because their Pinocchio nose is longer than their arm from all the lies they tell. So sad. We were a color-blind America until the radical left got power. Democratic run states are teaching critical race theory. Indoctrinating our children, colleges, the military and businesses to hate American’s founding fathers, our Constitution, our gun rights, free speech, rule of law and equal justice under the law. Sounds like communism to me. I am espe...

  • Patriotism and Memorial Day observation

    Mike Marshall, Seeley Lake, Montana|Jun 3, 2021

    Sadly, during the misguided war in Vietnam, we subjected thousands of our young men and women to a senseless war, putting them at risk of bodily harm and death for a failed international policy of containing communism. The policy was bankrupt from the start. But that wasn’t the worst part of it. Compounding the misguided waging of war was the waking up of America to the idiocy of said war and the tragedy of the sacrifice of so many lives and limbs to it. The reaction in too many instances was for Americans to punish the soldiers instead of t...

  • Hold Health Department accountable

    Don Larson, Seeley Lake, Montana|Jun 3, 2021

    SEELEY LAKE - Voters unanimously defeated a $35-million albatross sewer proposal but the message seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Now the Sewer Board wants to charge resident homeowners $250/year for each parcel in the district. Many residences sit on two, even three parcels so the owners will be paying $500-750 a year for what? Stuff the County Health Department should have been doing from the get-go If the Missoula County Health Department would do its job we wouldn’t even NEED a Sewer District Board. The Board has FAILED to properly m...

  • The donkey fits - use the power of your vote

    Roxie Sterling, Seeley Lake, Montana|Jun 3, 2021

    The Democratic party chose the donkey as the symbol of their party. They chose well. It fits them. Biden came into office through cheating. Immediately he costs thousands of Americans their jobs. Biden has cost many Americans and illegal aliens their lives because of his border criminal agenda. Biden panders to Russia, China and Iran, our enemies, and Biden sent money to Iran our enemy who used it to help Hamas terrorists bomb Israel our ally. The donkey fits. We better not go against Israel. Biden gave aid to farmers of color but not white...

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