Opinion / Columnists

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  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Jun 30, 2016

    Once again we want to thank all of you who helped make our last bake sale such a success. We must start with the Swansons who donated the beautiful wooden bowls. They were a big hit! The little dog pillow cases were a hit also. To all who bought and brought the goodies, we are extremely grateful and thank you very much. Now if we can get Brenda to bring 18 carrot cakes the next time, we will have another great sale. The four she brought went great and people wanted more. As with Connie's which...

  • Rational and Irrational

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Jun 23, 2016

    The last article considered the relationship between psychosis, hallucinations and dreams. The commonality was the unconscious (hidden) psychology of each person. Dream symbols are related to psychotic symbols and the symbols associated with hallucinations because all symbols are expressions of the unconscious. Clearly, the symbols in dreams, psychosis and hallucinations are not logical, in other words rational. If not rational, then the symbols must be illogical or irrational. Since we dream...

  • When They Call

    Heather Layman|Jun 16, 2016

    "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I." ~Psalm 61:2 When they call...those mountains. They call to me this time of year. They call to me always. They call me home. They say it's time to feel alive again. It's time to shut out the noise. It's time to be where you're most at peace. It's time to be grounded again, yet elevated. It's time to live simple and simply live. It's time for reflection and time to breathe deep. It's time to awake there and watch the sun ri...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Jun 2, 2016

    Well, it seems I put the cart before the horse on saying we have curbed the running dogs. After driving down Riverview every other day, I saw a pack of five dogs running all together on the street and on the sidewalk. People, this is nuts. What are you thinking? Yes, I recognized four of the dogs so beware, I have called animal control. The people who live on this street do not have to put up with this. They can’t even walk the sidewalk or walk their dogs on a leash without harassment. People, you are going to end up with big fines when t...

  • Psychosis, Hallucinations and Dreams

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|May 26, 2016

    When people think about psychosis and hallucinations, they usually think about severe mental illness, loss of reality and drugs. We never think in terms of dreams. So, is there really a relationship between psychosis, hallucinations and dreams? First, let me briefly describe psychosis and hallucinations. When someone sees or hears something that isn't really there, it can be considered a hallucination. Psychosis occurs when a person sees and hears hallucinations all the time, or for a period of...

  • Brandin'

    Heather Layman|May 19, 2016

    For my generous friends and their families that have been kind enough to share their way of life with me... Thank you... I haven't written much about the hi-line of Montana since moving here. Mostly, because I was fairly certain that nothing about Havre could compare to the spring beauty of the home and the mountains but I've been proven wrong. And as much as I love the receding of the snow-line on the mountains, birth of the wildflowers and watching the ice retreat from its alpine lakes,...

  • What the Duck...part two

    Mule Bit Perkins|May 12, 2016

    So with me at the helm and Ruth navigating, we arrived in Ludington, Michigan at the dock. It was kinda like crossing the border into Canada or Mexico...ya just can't drive up and pull onto the ferry. There were two check stations to encounter before you drove onto the ferry and parked your vehicle. There was quite a line of vehicles to board, so after perhaps 10-15 minutes we drove up to check station #1. An official Border Patrol type uniformed gal walks outta the little shed, approaches the w...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|May 5, 2016

    Well, it’s about to be vacation time again. First, let me say to our Seeley Lake people how proud many of us are that we have few running dogs due to all of you who watch your dogs closely. Yes, sometimes a dog does get loose accidently and when I get a call, the alert goes out and so many of our people watch and some of our businesses help much, and the dog is found. That’s what it takes to keep our pets safe. Thanks to all! However, there are some who take vacation in our communities which we appreciate. Although they sometimes think the...

  • Spirituality by Any Other Name

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Apr 28, 2016

    In the previous article, I introduced the idea of strange coincidences known in psychology as synchronicity. In order for the experience to be considered synchronicity, the strange coincidence has to be meaningful to the person. Synchronicity was described as an expression of a personal myth or a collective myth, helping us to see and understand the active myths in our lives. Recall that our unconscious (hidden) psychology is responsible for creating the myths. Actually, it is the center of the...

  • I Gotta Horse For Sale

    Heather Layman|Apr 21, 2016

    Those of you in the horse world have seen them...those "horse for sale" ads and groups on Craig's List and Facebook. Now, I don't begrudge someone wanting to sell a horse, and possibly recoup a little of the money spent on raising or training one, but from what I've seen lately, I'd rather buy a goat. And, before ya go and get your undergarments in a giant wad, or your hinder in a binder, here's an example of what appears to be an acceptable ad these days: RANCH DISPERSAL SALE 'Beautiful Brood...

  • The Legend of... Bill the Duck

    Mule Bit Perkins|Apr 14, 2016

    For Dave who inspired me to share this tale. For Ruth who made it happen. A number of years ago while in Michigan I received a call from a dear friend Ruth. It seems Ruth who owns a family farm had located a very hard item she needed for the farm. The item was located in N. Wisconsin. The issue was that Ruth hates driving long distances and asked if I would accompany her and do the driving. "Sure," I said, "Whatta we going to get?" "Oh, I found a Duck Plukker up there on Craigslist. I want to ta...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Apr 7, 2016

    The Cakes for Canines on March 16 held at Pop's Place was a great success! Thanks to the many who showed up in support our much needed animal shelter! Big thanks to Tim and Connie who donated all the eggs, bacon and cakes. Thanks to Doug Richards for all his helpful art work and the great cakes which were grabbed up quickly. The lamp and nightlight crafted by Monty Montgomery were beautiful and all of the squares for a chance to win one filled up quickly which sure helped our fund! Mary Anna and...

  • Strange Coincidences

    Ken Silvestro|Mar 31, 2016

    Probably most of us have experienced coincidences that make us stop and say, "How did that happen?" These coincidences usually give us an eerie feeling and make us think that something mysterious is occurring. Well, in one sense this is true – something mysterious is occurring. A typical example of a strange coincidence is thinking about an old friend for a few days and then receiving an unexpected letter, email or phone call from that friend. Another typical strange coincidence is dreaming a...

  • She Rides

    Heather Layman|Mar 24, 2016

    This is an ode to the most beautiful woman I know. No finer lady will this world have the pleasure of knowing, and at 66, may she know that she's the most beautiful version of herself now more than ever. May this serve as a reminder that even though she's a mother, a wife, and a grandmother, that she is still all woman, and most importantly, uniquely amazing with what she offers up to this world with the biggest and kindest of hearts.... Happiest of birthdays, Mama... I always picture her here...

  • Biscuit & Me

    Mule Bit Perkins|Mar 17, 2016

    This poem came about last year after my big wreck on Woodrow, who in the poem is called Biscuit. Waxes more poetic to me. After I healed from my last wreck I brought ol' Biscuit out to the arena and saddled him up. All went perfectly well. As I mounted and threw my right leg over the ol' highback saddle, all strength left and it fell on his rump...which as you know is a signal to move ahead, which he did. Before I could get my leg over he was at a walk, takin' my left leg with my foot in the...

  • Please Paws for People and Pets

    Elinor Williamson|Mar 10, 2016

    Please keep March 15 on your calendar for the Cakes for K-9s breakfast at Pop’s Place Restaurant. It’s FREE - donated by Tim and Connie with donations for their great support for Paws Up Safe Home Animal Shelter of Potomac. Donations are badly needed from everyone in our communities! The shelter, which has approximately fifty dogs and twenty cats, is in deep need! Thank You. Well, we have some good news! The golden retriever who was lost for nine days was found. The gracious couple who had found him, and was taking good care of him, saw a pic...

  • Discovering Our Personal Myths

    Ken Silvestro|Mar 3, 2016

    The last article took us away from our current theme of collective and personal myths, due to an article written by Nicole Williams. Her article included many psychological elements that I thought would be helpful to review and describe. Returning to our theme, I'd like to respond to questions about discovering our personal myths. Since personal myths are directly related to each of us, we might think it's easy to discover our myths. But it isn't. Why? Well, we are unconscious of our personal my...

  • Leaving a Legacy

    Heather Layman|Feb 25, 2016

    Some moments simply leave your mouth absent of words, your eyes filled with warm tears and your heart so full of love and pride. When those moments come, you make note of every detail in that capsule of time. My grandfather, Clarence Barron "C.B." Rich was recently inducted into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame this month in Great Falls. I have written about my grandpa in the past and shared how he impacted my insignificant, little life but to witness what it means to really leave a legacy...

  • Can ya speak up a little for me please?

    Mule Bit Perkins|Feb 18, 2016

    I don't hear as good as I used to. It's really no big deal since most of the fellas I associate with can hear even less then I can. My hearing is failing for a number of reasons, one of which is a story in itself. The main reason for this article is I guess my age. But when ya take your coffee with fellas even older than me... well it takes on a whole new dimension. A few weeks ago I was takin' my mornin' coffee with Gene, Jim, John and Virgil. Now the only one who can really hear is Gene. John...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Feb 11, 2016

    There is a little brindle pit bull running all over the Seeley Lake area. The owner must be found and notified as such. I think I know who the dog belongs to. He is thin and has caused many people concern. There is no excuse for this dog to be running and hungry, causing such concern. I tried to get him to come to me when he was in my yard but he is too skittish. I don’t think animal control could get him. So please help! The number of cats and dogs getting trapped in leg holds set by trappers are terrible. The problem is not only cats and d...

  • A Logical Solution: Using Symbols and Myths

    Ken Silvestro|Feb 4, 2016

    In the Dec. 24 issue of the Pathfinder, Nicole Williams, a Seeley-Swan High School student, wrote an article for the Junior Journal addressing a logical solution for harmoniously living with wolves. Her article introduced a number of psychological characteristics described in my previous articles. So, I thought it worthwhile to review these characteristics using Nicole's examples. Nicole presented the idea that civilizations around the world and throughout time have portrayed the wolf as the...

  • Kindred Corral Spirits

    Heather Layman|Jan 28, 2016

    We never grew up owning one, single mare in my entire childhood. Every male on the ranch preached time and time again about what a pain in the hind parts they were to have on the place. Of course I was always slightly offended by these nonsensical statements. Mares, in my opinion, were always far superior in the looks department, and yes, that theory was entirely based on the fact that I was in fact a female. So naturally, it only seemed right to learn to identify with the female animals that...

  • A Big Pain in the ... Back

    Mule Bit Perkins|Jan 21, 2016

    You remember Del my old neighbor that had borrowed my mules during his fight with cancer. As I mentioned he was old school and really mistreated this little team. I went to see 'em. Thru no provocation or fault of my own, that little John Mule, as I approached, swung around, showed me his butt and kicked me with, of course, both feet. I knew what he intended to do as soon as he swung around so I turned to make my escape but was...too late. I was paralyzed from the waist down, or at least my...

  • To Steal Someone's Thunder

    Betty Vanderwielen, Pathfinder|Jan 21, 2016

    Younger siblings are notorious for blurting out the punch line just as big brother or sister has built up to the climax of the story. In such an instance, the older child might scream, “Stop stealing my thunder.” Those who heard the phrase might assume it referred to some Greek or Norse myth similar to the tale of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods. But actually the phrase origin has nothing to do with gods. The idiom refers to play productions. In modern plays or films, sound effects – dogs barking, stairs creaking, horns honking, thunder...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Jan 14, 2016

    Ahhh…rains throughout the summer, no more fires! Thanks for the donations. Paws Up Safe Home Animal Shelter of Potomac and the Seeley-Swan Community Food Bank can always use dog and cat food and all other donations. A special thank you to Vicki Scalise for her donation to The Ed Jackson (helping Pets Fund) and Barry and Carolyn Scalise for their donation in honor of Ed Jackson and Vicki Scalise. We so needed those donations. Pat Shane caught five cats and had them spayed or neutered plus shots. We also are helping two other couples get their c...

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