Opinion / Columnists

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  • What makes a complete rifle battery?

    Philip Gregory|Oct 31, 2019

    I have been exchanging emails with my nephew on what makes up a complete rifle battery. Lets define what we are attempting to assemble. That is "The rifle chamberings needed to hunt all the species of big game and varmints in North America". Varmints will be prairie dogs, coyotes and anything legally hunted weighing less than 50 lbs. One might consider this is a big challenge. Actually it is not. If one wants to do it with as few rifles as possible, it can easily be done with as few as three...

  • When reality is upside down

    Ken Silverstro PhD|Oct 24, 2019

    I'm sure you remember Alice in Wonderland. Alice goes down the rabbit-hole to discover an entirely different world than her familiar world. A world that is topsy-turvy compared to hers. Animals talk, strange characters engage in strange behaviors and a tea party displays the illogical logic of wonderland. Alice is being treated to experiences of the unknown. The author, Dodgson who is actually Lewis Carroll, provides us with a fantasy, a fantasy which emerged from his unconscious (hidden...

  • Seeley Lake wood stove rule proposal explained

    Benjamin Schmidt, Missoula City-County Health Department Air Quality Specialist|Oct 24, 2019

    The Missoula City-County Health Department has started an update on the Missoula City-County Air Pollution Control Program rules. One proposed rule creates a Seeley Lake Wood Stove Zone where only the cleanest and most efficient stoves can be installed. A map of the Seeley Lake Wood Stove Zone has been included with this article. The zone is centered around the Seeley Lake Elementary School where the highest wood stove smoke concentrations are found. This rule would not affect existing stoves bu...

  • Building a foundation for lasting relationships

    Kim Heninger, Licensed Clinical Therapist|Oct 17, 2019

    "It is not the survival of the fittest, it is the survival of the most nurtured," Dr. John Gottman, Ph.D Today I would like to share the evidence-based research on marriage from world renowned researchers John Gottman, Ph.D. and his wife Julie Schwartz Gottman, Ph.D. As I sought to research the topic of successful romantic partnerships, I was impressed by how frequently these two leading thinkers were cited. Their work covers many different forms of romantic relationships beyond marriage and is...

  • Preventing medicine poisoning and overdose in Seeley Lake

    Leah Fitch-Brody, Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator|Oct 17, 2019

    Did you know that every minute of every day, a poison control center receives a call about a potential medicine poisoning for a child age five and under? And in around 86 percent of emergency department visits for medicine poisoning, the child got into medicine belonging to a parent or grandparents. Whether you're a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or caregiver, you can help prevent medicine poisonings by properly disposing of your unused or expired medications before they get in the hands of...

  • Understanding your tax bill

    Tyler Gernant, Missoula County Clerk and Treasurer|Oct 17, 2019

    October in Missoula County means one thing to most people … tax bills! Hopefully, that’s not actually the case for most people, but in the Clerk and Treasurer’s Office, it certainly is. Throughout August and September, local taxing jurisdictions – which, in addition to the county, include local school, fire and other special districts − finalize their budgets and determine the amount of tax dollars they’ll need to levy to fund those budgets. They submit these numbers to the Missoula County Finance Department, whose staff work with the Montana...

  • Reconnecting and Remembering

    Dale Terrillion|Oct 10, 2019

    Every summer we try and reconnect with a few folks in the Swan. We stay at Evie Andersons on Charles Road. Son-in-law Lane and sister Wendy now own it. Usually try and visit with Butch Harmon. We have lots in common be'n both old timber cutters. Butch had a rough summer to say the least. Spent too many days in St. Pat's like I did some time ago. They had to tinker with our tickers. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing. But the good book sezs "to number our days that we may gain a heart of...

  • Was it necessary?

    Philip Gregory|Oct 3, 2019

    I was extremely upset, even angry, when I learned the sow grizzly bear that had three cubs roaming around the Swan Valley, had been captured and killed by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks personnel. These four bears provided the utmost joy, excitement and photographic opportunities for the people of the Swan Valley. The sow and two of the cubs were captured. The two cubs were given to the zoo in Gardner and the sow was killed. The third cub escaped capture and was left to whatever future a young...

  • Annual Medicare open enrollment starts Oct. 15

    Linda Howard, Resource Specialist, Seeley-Swan Resource Center|Oct 3, 2019

    It's that time of year again to review your health insurance needs and look at options. Get ready for Annual Medicare Open Enrollment Period (AEP) Oct. 15 – Dec. 7, Medicare's next annual open enrollment period for 2020 coverage. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) no longer require Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part D) and Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) to mail out the plan's benefit and formulary changes for the coming year. It is important to check your plan. Be a...

  • Weedkiller, green tomatoes & soaker hoses

    Molly Hackett, Master Gardener|Oct 3, 2019

    Q: Without using weedkiller spray, how can I clean up a weedy bed where I want to plant bulbs this fall? So far I have been digging and that is hard work. For the winter, can I cover the bed with a mulch of straw or cardboard or would that kill the bulbs? A: I think it's just as effective and a lot easier to use a weedeater, or even garden scissors in small spots, to cut weeds to the ground once a week. No matter how persistent a weed, it is not immortal (even though sometimes it may seem that w...

  • You're not me

    Ken Silverstro PhD|Sep 26, 2019

    There are many ways we experience other people. First and foremost, other people are different than we are. We experience the differences quite strongly in many instances. Here is an example. Walking down the street, you pass a homeless person. Are you repulsed or fearful? Many people are both. Why is that? The answer is psychological involving many possibilities. Here is just one. Let's begin by considering you. You know your ego (beliefs, values and identity) fairly well. You know your likes a...

  • SSHS off and running

    Kellen Palmer, SSHS Principal|Sep 26, 2019

    Hello from Seeley-Swan High School. We have had an exciting first month of school. Students, staff and myself are settling in to the new year. Students were able to have a great service learning day outside the classroom when we had our annual Discovery Day. We had groups taking art walks in Missoula, visiting the smokejumper center, learning survival skills at Rainy Lake, and hiking and cleaning the campgrounds at Holland Lake. I would like to thank everyone who helped make that day a success...

  • Caring for our natural resources

    Ranger Brett Zarling, Montana State Parks|Sep 26, 2019

    With summer’s end drawing near and fall weather rolling in it is a good time to reflect on this past season. A quick reminder however that Placid Lake State Park and the Salmon Lake State Park day use area are still open and will remain open until the end of November (weather permitting). There is still plenty of time to get in some camping, fishing, boating and kayaking. For the most part, both Montana residents and non-residents treat our local state parks with great respect and for that we are very grateful. We do have a variety of minor i...

  • What's up with the brain and exercise?

    Kim Heninger, Licensed Clinical Therapist|Sep 19, 2019

    Those of you who know me know that I enjoy talking about the brain and how it plays an enormous role in our lives. Our feelings, thought patterns, habits and much more are all formed and processed in our brain. I love to learn about the cutting edge of science and behavior, which is why I would like to praise a fascinating new book about how exercise alters our brain. The book is called Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, and was written by renowned author and...

  • Parenting in Montana

    Shannan Sproull, Missoula County Prevention Specialist|Sep 19, 2019

    You know those days when, as a parent or caregiver, you feel like you don't know what to do to help your child or feel frustrated with your child's behavior? Most parents have experienced these feelings. What if I told you that there is a quick and easy resource to help you figure out what to do? There's an amazing website called ParentingMontana.org that might be helpful to you or someone you know. ParentingMontana.org is a free website designed to help support parents and caregivers...

  • The summer fades

    Dale Terrillion|Sep 12, 2019

    Summer time is slowly slipping away. The heat for a while almost got us. Not much smoke appeared because of the rains – what a blessing. We don't need another 2017. So we wait for the leaves to change. We try to spend some precious moments out on our little deck. The aspen trees I planted out front lets their leaves quiver and quake in the breeze. Sort a like the lives of some folks quivering and quaking through this pilgrims journey and the time allotted us here. That sap sucker has been t...

  • Missoula County - The Last Best Place

    Dave Strohmaier and Juanita Vero and Josh Slotnick, Missoula County Commissioners|Sep 12, 2019

    It really goes without saying, but Missoula County is an amazing place. And in a county that is home to 119,000 souls, spanning terrain from rugged wilderness to the second largest city in Montana, county government plays an important role in our day-to-day lives, whether we realize it or not. Over the next year, to better communicate the many facets of county government (arguably one of the least understood levels of government), Missoula County elected officials will contribute monthly...

  • Annual vegetables & flowers & deer repellant

    Molly Hackett, Master Gardener|Sep 5, 2019

    Q: We will be traveling next year and so not gardening in Seeley Lake. A friend will water the perennials enough to keep them alive but what can we do about annual vegetables and flowers? We don't want the beds to become weed patches while we are away. A: If you do nothing about the beds, weeds are guaranteed. They have adapted to take advantage of local gardening conditions, and they will thrive in the rich soil of your garden. If it were my garden, I would mulch the beds heavily, any time...

  • Mass shootings, what can be done?

    Philip Gregory|Sep 5, 2019

    These mass shootings occurring around the country are doing grave damage to one of our most cherish freedoms. Millions of people believe that gun control laws are the answer to the problem. But that is not a solution. How many laws does a mass shooter break in the act of shooting innocent people totally unknown to him? Do you think passing one, two or three more laws that will not impact a psychopath is going to make a difference? First recognize what is the mass shooter seeking. Recognition of...

  • Estate planner offers no cost appointments, Oct. 30

    Linda Howard, Resource Specialist, Seeley-Swan Resource Center|Sep 5, 2019

    In past years Dr. Marsha A. Goetting, Montana State University Extension Family Economics Specialist, has presented programs about the need for all Montanans to take action and plan their estates. If you haven't taken action because you have lingering questions, the Seeley-Swan Resource Center, which is our branch office of Missoula Aging Services in Seeley Lake is providing an opportunity for you to have those questions answered. Dr. Goetting will be available for half hour appointments on...

  • Fantasy, reality and psychology

    Ken Silverstro PhD|Aug 29, 2019

    In previous articles, the difference between fantasy and reality was introduced but always from the perspective of specific psychological concerns. This article introduces the deeper psychological level that influences fantasies and reality. Clearly, we all live with a unique sense of reality. These realities originate in everyone's personal psychologies, their families of origin and early conditionings, their cultures, their peers, from social collective groups and media, and from archetypes....

  • Suicide prevention in our community

    Nancy de Pastino, Suicide Prevention Coordinator Missoula City-County Health Department|Aug 22, 2019

    I always like to get the bad news first, then follow with the good. So I'll start there. Most of us are aware that Montana has the highest rate of suicide in the nation. Most of us have been touched in some way by suicide. There are a lot of factors that contribute to Montana's high rate of suicide, including a lack of mental health services (especially in rural areas), easy access to firearms and the lingering stigma about depression and reaching out for mental health help. Now on to the good n...

  • Old Ray never eats alone

    Dale Terrillion|Aug 15, 2019

    Over in central Oregon near the little town of Monument is Cupper Canyon Ranch, there once lived Ol' Ray Ackerman. My cutt'n partner got me hooked up with Old Ray, thought I might get to hunt muleys on his diggings. "You bet," sezs Ray. Pullin' into the yard I got mobbed by the usual stock dogs and they got attacked by a suspicious look'n part lab. Anyway, Ray yelled me in, he sez just make'n coffee, pull up a chair. I thought I better shake his hand and thank him for hav'n me over. My...

  • Dental tips for summertime fun

    Alyssa Harris DMD, Seeley-Swan Medical Center, Partnership Health Center|Aug 15, 2019

    It's summertime! The time for fun in the sun, swimming in the lake, hiking those beautiful Montana Mountains. It's time for barbecues and picnics. It is also the time for iced lattes and ice cream, fair food and cotton candy. It's time for soda and.........WAIT!!!!! With all this summer fun, which we should all enjoy, let's remember one important thing: Leave the sugar behind! National Public Radio recently published a great article titled "Study: Sugar Rules the World and Ruins Teeth too." The...

  • Guns, I just love 'em

    Philip Gregory|Aug 8, 2019

    I have had a life long "love affair" with firearms. I just love the darn things. Why this is I cannot say. It's just a distinct part of me. The firearms I like most are really special works of art and beauty. My favorites are custom stocked with walnut on blue steel. Oh, the wood is out of this world beautiful with its color, grain, figures of fiddleback, tiger stripes, feathered, contrasting colors and especially the depth of multiple coats of hand rubbed oil finish. The wood fits against all...

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