Opinion / Columnists

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  • Caring for senior pets

    Tanya Fyfe DVM, Associate veterinarian at Clark Fork Veterinary Clinic|Nov 18, 2021

    Thanks to advances in veterinary medicine and increased nutritional knowledge, many animals are living longer lives. This means there are more and more senior pets out there who tend to have specific needs. In general, most veterinarians consider a dog or cat who is older than seven years to be a senior pet. Most pet parents will notice things like more grey hair or a slower pace as their animal companions age but there can also be subtle changes that people don't always realize are a symptom...

  • Lowdown bulletin

    Seeley Lake Sewer District|Nov 11, 2021

    HOW DOES YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM WORK? The septic tank holds the wastewater from homes or businesses until solid debris settles at the bottom of the tank (the sludge layer) and lighter waste, such as oil, rises to the top (the scum layer). Between the two layers lies the effluent liquid, which flows into an outlet pipe and is gradually dissipated through a drain field. Bacteria in the septic tank naturally break down organic waste matter and slows the accumulation of the sludge layer. WHAT IF THERE...

  • Descriptions of depression

    Ken Silverstro PhD|Nov 11, 2021

    Depression is a common affliction. The percentage of people suffering from depression is staggering. Of course, the pandemic contributed to these numbers, but even before the pandemic the numbers were staggering. There are many ways to define depression. I want to use descriptions, not definitions. Depression is experienced as feeling low -- not having much energy for daily events or situations. Sleep tends to be affected, as well as thinking and focus. Depression affects appetite, and a person'...

  • Medication reviews can help you get the best care

    MIssoula Aging Services|Nov 4, 2021

    Missoula Aging Services is hosting Medication Review appointments in partnership with the University of Montana Skaggs School of Pharmacy. The hour-long appointments will be with both a UM Pharmacy student and a supervising licensed pharmacist and will be available Wednesday and Thursday afternoons through Dec. 7. The Medication Review appointments are available for people aged 55 and older who are currently taking five or more medications. To better serve the residents of Seeley Lake, these...

  • Solving problems together

    Senator Shannon O'Brien - D, Senate District 46|Oct 14, 2021

    What a glorious September we had: sunshine, minimal smoke and still a busy economy. I recently had a lovely visit with Grace at Mission Mountain Mercantile and Nathan, wearing his hat as chair of the Seeley Lake Chamber of Commerce. I appreciate their time and dedication to our community. If I haven't reached out to you yet and you have something to share, please call me and let's set up a time to visit! Government is here to help, not hold you back with red tape and taxes. Okay, speaking of tax...

  • Annual "Open Enrollment" season starts Oct. 15

    Linda Howard, Resource Specialist, Seeley-Swan Resource Center|Oct 7, 2021

    What season is it? It is Medicare's Annual "Open Enrollment" which happens, Oct. 15 – Dec. 7 and is coming up quickly! What can Medicare beneficiaries do during "Open Enrollment"? • Change from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan. • Change from a Medicare Advantage Plan back to Original Medicare. • Switch from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another Medicare Advantage Plan. • Switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan that doesn't offer drug coverage to a Medicare Advantage Plan that offe...

  • Children, mimicking and adults

    Ken Silverstro PhD|Sep 30, 2021

    When young children play together, they often begin to assume the behaviors and dress styles of their peers. They tell their parents how they want to dress and are adamant about what is acceptable as "in" and what is considered "out." In school, being a member of an "in" clique is critical. Being an outcast is devastating for anyone outside the clique. Being inside, usually means members talk, think, dress, behave and assume attitudes that are similar to each other. They mimic each other....

  • Keep your pet well

    Tanya Fyfe DVM, Associate veterinarian at Clark Fork Veterinary Clinic|Sep 23, 2021

    Many veterinary clinics are implementing routine Wellness Exams. These are examinations of pets who appear healthy. These physical exams also include questions about your pet's lifestyle with a focus on maintaining an ideal well-being for your pet. How often your pet should have a Wellness Exam depends upon their age and breed. In general, puppies and kittens should have monthly Wellness Exams, adults can be seen annually, and seniors should have semi-annual Wellness Exams. It is commonly...

  • Anthropomorphism - The good and bad

    Ryan Sokoloski, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks|Sep 23, 2021

    Anthropomorphism (pronounced: ann-throw-poe-MORF-ism) is the term used to define when we give animals (or inanimate objects such as rocks & trees) human characteristics. Here are a few examples: "Gus" is the world's largest Western Larch Tree and a full-time resident of Seeley Lake Montana. He is over 1,000 years old, 160 feet tall, 34 feet around. He has seen countless changes in human activity and loves his local celebrity status. Just south of Helena Montana is the "Sleeping Giant", a...

  • Lowdown bulletin

    Seeley Lake Sewer District|Sep 16, 2021

    During its reorganization period, the Sewer Board has developed an "Action Plan." The purpose was to create a working document that would guide the actions of the board over the foreseeable future. This is a living plan that will be updated as time goes on but will form a foundation for moving forward. The areas of focus, with sub-points, are: 1. Improve communication throughout the District. Securing member contact information to use for surveys, digital newsletters, share information,...

  • We, the people

    Senator Shannon O'Brien - D|Sep 9, 2021

    I often think of September, and not January, as the new year in our calendar. Kids are with new teachers, summer vacations are over and we're all settling back into a routine of sorts. It's a time to reflect on the last year and look ahead to the upcoming year. I've been thinking about the concept of "We the people..." and the opportunities we have to work together to solve problems. I always want to under-promise and over-deliver, but I will say, as your senator, representing our district in...

  • Preventing spring vole damage starts now

    Molly Hackett, Master Gardener|Sep 2, 2021

    Last spring the voles really did a number on my plants. They ate the bark off trees and the roots off several flowers and bushes. Is there any way to prevent damage next spring? Yes, but there is no single miraculous cure for stopping vole damage. There are various ways to reduce it. Usually, the solutions work best when combined and the time to start vole control for next spring is now. Voles-not moles-are the culprits. Moles live underground, as do voles. However, moles are smaller than voles...

  • LIEAP & Weatherization opportunities

    Linda Howard, Resource Specialist, Seeley-Swan Resource Center|Sep 2, 2021

    Happy Fall, Now that temperatures are dipping it is once again time to apply for Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) and Weatherization. The State of Montana, through the Department of Public Health and Human Services, offers two programs to help individuals reduce their heating costs. LIEAP pays part of winter energy bills for eligible people and the Weatherization Program helps participants improve the heating efficiency of their homes and thus reduce energy consumption. When and...

  • Lessons from the mustangs and Jim

    Dale Terrillion|Aug 26, 2021

    Many moons ago, while be'n a glutton for punishment, I made a trip to the wild horse corrals near Sparks, Nevada to get a couple of broomtails. While wait'n on things to happen, I noticed a black man showed up to guard the gate. Seemed a little bored there all by himself. He had to check on everyone's invite 'cause some radicals were lurk'n about to disrupt proceedings. Anyway, I moseyed over to chat with him, introduced myself, he likewise sez his name was Jim. I shook his hand, looked him in...

  • Conscious evolution

    Ken Silverstro PhD|Aug 19, 2021

    What could conscious evolution possibly mean? Well, we know that consciousness is an awareness of people, events, objects and ourselves. We also know that evolution is a natural process that results in species, for example, surviving for a period of time (long or short), and that characteristic traits form for the different species. Usually, species adapt to their surroundings. So, conscious evolution means a changing consciousness that adapts to the surroundings, or lives, of humans, resulting...

  • In His time

    Dale Terrillion, Christian Logger|Aug 19, 2021

    There's still some of us around that milked the cows by hand. My first encounter with this age-old routine came when I was 11. I'd been hired out to Uncle Lesile for the summers' hay'n. A bad storm left us without power and so there we were at 5 a.m. milk'n 24 cows by hand. Uncle, wife and me. Their children were grown and gone. Uncle milked seven, Marie 16 and me one. Otherwise, Marie never went to the barn. And she was ex-city gal from California. The Golden State was a different place back...

  • Boats, berries & bears

    Sydney Young, FWP Game Warden|Aug 12, 2021

    Summertime in Montana brings warmer temperatures, blue skies, and blooming wildflowers. This summer, however, much of Montana is blanketed in smoke, and the lack of moisture paired with record heat waves is causing some unexpected consequences. Seeley Lake has always been a destination for fishing and water-based recreation in the summer- for both locals and tourists alike. This summer, particularly, the conditions have created a perfect storm, bringing humans and bears closer together. My...

  • Doing good is good for you

    Linda Howard, Resource Specialist, Seeley-Swan Resource Center|Aug 5, 2021

    You can make a difference in local schools by serving as a Foster Grandparent! Foster grandparents are volunteers placed with local schools and assist teachers by providing extra support to students. As a foster grandparent you are a role model, a tutor and a friend. You help children learn to read, provide one-on-one tutoring and guide children at a critical time in their lives. Volunteers are requested for students ranging in age from pre-kindergarten to high school in Seeley Lake and Condon....

  • What is wrong with my tomatoes and squash?

    Molly Hackett, Master Gardener|Jul 29, 2021

    What is wrong with my tomatoes? They are starting to make tomatoes, but some of the leaves are turning yellow. The usual cause of that problem is water-either too much or not enough water will produce the same symptom. Are you sure that you are watering the plants enough in this dry summer? If so, think about the idea that the tomato plants are too wet. Before you water them, check the soil. Do not turn on the irrigation system until the top inch of dirt is dry. Roots need water to stay...

  • Put your love of animals to work

    Tanya Fyfe DVM, Associate veterinarian at Clark Fork Veterinary Clinic|Jul 22, 2021

    Want a career working with animals but not sure you're up for eight years and hundreds of thousands of dollars for veterinary school? You're in luck! There are a wide variety of intriguing and fun ways you can carve out a rewarding career with animals. This is merely a short synopsis of some of the more common options out there. The first person most people meet when calling or entering a veterinary practice is the Customer Service Representative. Successful CSRs must be calm, friendly and...

  • Tips for staying healthy this wildfire season

    Sarah Coefield, Missoula City-County Health Department Air Quality Specialist|Jul 15, 2021

    It’s Wildfire Smoke Ready Week and we’ve already had our first taste of what looks to be a long wildfire season. As I wrote last week, wildfire smoke is bad for everyone and it comes inside. Fortunately, there are simple steps we can all do to protect our indoor spaces and reduce our exposure outside! Homes and small businesses: Forced air for heating: 1. Close doors and windows. 2. Install the highest efficiency filter your system can use (preferably MERV 13 or better, but MERV 11 or 12 will work). 3. Turn on the fan and keep it on while you...

  • Psychology and Sexuality

    Ken Silverstro PhD|Jul 8, 2021

    This topic is as broad as it is deep. We could say that everything is, or is related to, sexuality. That's how broad the topic is. We could say that the human psyche (our overall psychology) expresses itself sexually throughout our daily lives. Sexuality, then, is deeply rooted in human nature. This topic is of great importance, so let's begin by stating the obvious: sexuality is a biological instinct that moves us to procreate, but it also is a psychological instinct. Being more frequently...

  • Wildfire Smoke - Ready Week is July 12 - 18

    Sarah Coefield, Missoula City-County Health Department Air Quality Specialist|Jul 8, 2021

    Summer is here, and we’re speeding toward what could be a gnarly fire season. This means a few things: 1. Don’t cause fires. 2. Get outside and recreate while the recreating’s good. 3. Make a plan now for creating cleaner indoor air and protecting your health from wildfire smoke! Aside from a smoky week in September 2020, we’ve skated by with little wildfire smoke for the past few years, so some of us may be out of practice when it comes to fussing about air quality. New to the area? Welcome! Go buy an air filter. Our summers are hotter...

  • Renewed friendships

    Dale Terrillion|Jul 8, 2021

    Here a while back I was talk'n to Paul Ossowski. Hadn't talked to him in over 20 years. He's over in Eastern Montana now. Has a good job in an oil field. You all may not remember him, he's the one I sold that black mustang to named Shadow, he had a dry freeze brand on his hip 9360. Paul worked, at that time, I believe for the Heart Bar Heart Ranch out of Ovando. He remembered the time right after he got 9360 how the horse got away from him there in the yard where he lived. Followed Shadow around...

  • Gratitude in service

    Senator Shannon O'Brien - D, Senate District 46|Jul 1, 2021

    Ah, the holidays. The Fourth has grown on me over the years, it hasn't always been one of my very favorite holidays. Christmas and Easter are always special. The simplicity of Thanksgiving is extra sweet, gathering to break bread and give thanks. But July 4th is more and more remarkable to me as each year goes by. There is a feeling that summer is now finally in full swing. Locals and visitors gather for the parades, brats and burgers with friends and extended families. But it's more than that....

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