Opinion / Columnists

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  • Behavior or Psychology

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Feb 2, 2017

    Many people see behavior, or the way we function in life, as an answer to all our problems. In other words, if we change our behaviors, we can change our concerns or problems. Of course, there is some truth to this statement but behavior is only the tip of the iceberg. Even though we walk, talk, join groups, argue, play sports and perform many other behaviors, people often don't consider that these behaviors are associated with other parts of human nature. Another part of human nature is our...

  • Hometown

    Heather Layman|Jan 26, 2017

    Hometown. You spend the entirety of your childhood waiting for the day to leave this god-forsaken place just knowing there must be a bigger, better world out there awaiting you. And there possibly is. But what you don't realize at the time is you will come to miss what your hometown has truly manifested in your heart of hearts. It won't be a sense of success or money that you seek but the first time you come back home after a long period of being gone, your heart will see what really mattered...

  • The Not So Scary Facts About Blood Clots

    Dr. Todd Fife, Seeley-Swan Medical Center, Partnership Health Center|Jan 26, 2017

    As a young resident covering night shifts, I remember my first 'code blue.' I was nervous but the staff was competent and confident. We did CPR, we pushed meds, and we did everything as we were suppose to, yet the patient died anyway. He was about the same age as I am now and died of a blood clot to his lungs. I've been thinking about him a lot lately, having recently developed a blood clot myself...pretty scary. Blood clots are more common (and more dangerous) than you might think but don't...

  • The Story of the American Marten

    Mark Ruby, Swan Lake Ranger District|Jan 26, 2017

    The American marten is a very charismatic creature despite its small size. The house-cat sized member of the weasel family has short legs, pointed ears and a well-furred tail that extends to about a third of its total body length. Perhaps best characterized by a pale buff or orange patch on the throat or breast, the marten is typically 21-26 inches long and weighs about 1.5 to 2.75 pounds. Marten select for mesic closed-canopy stand types characterized by large tree diameters, plentiful coarse woody debris, snags and with a high degree of...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Jan 12, 2017

    Congratulations to all for doing such a good job caring for your pets through this terrible cold spell! I did not receive one call about a pet out in the cold, nor did I hear that Animal Control was called. We were worried about a big black dog with long hair that was running around as if lost. I tried to get him but couldn’t get close to him. The Pathfinder posted it on Facebook so I hope people found him and he is okay. Received two nice thank you pictures of pets. Thanks Kiva and Sitka. Also a great picture of Portia known as Stinkerbug a...

  • Social Self and Individual Self

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Jan 5, 2017

    As a follow-up to the previous article describing groups and collectives, I want to describe the differences between social Self and individual Self. A social Self is directly related to groups and collectives. This means that a person's social identity, or Self, is based on group membership. Since groups or collectives have specific values, beliefs, mannerisms, dress styles, languages and more, a member typically adopts most, if not all, of the group's characteristics as her/his social Self....

  • Just Your Time

    Heather Layman|Dec 29, 2016

    I was asked recently what I wanted for Christmas this year, and I thought about that. Of course there are material items that came to mind (I am only human.) A horse trailer was at the top of the list but then a truck upgrade was, too. I'm not much for impractical items like pretty jewelry or fuzzy leggings. Leggings tell entirely too much truth for my liking! So, I decided it's not about what material item I could want or need. My needs are met but sometimes the needs of the heart fall...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Dec 15, 2016

    Alert! For those who warm up their car in the garage, please make sure you do not leave your pet in the garage after leaving. Carbon monoxide could kill your pet from the fumes of your car. Best to back your car outside then warm it up. Carbon monoxide accumulates and can filter in and fill up the garage and seep into your home. Please everyone out there get a carbon monoxide detector. Save your family and your pet, a detector would make a great Christmas present. There has been a mountain lion hanging around the top of Cedar Lane near the...

  • Groups and Collectives

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Dec 8, 2016

    Groups are collectives. Groups are made up of people, which is true for collectives. As it turns out, we all are members of groups and collectives. If we take a moment, it isn't difficult to list several collectives in our lives. There are families, communities, sports teams, political and religious affiliations and on and on. The question is this: Is there a psychology associated with groups and collectives? Naturally there is. Anytime people are involved in anything, there is psychology involv...

  • Life, Live It!

    Heather Layman|Dec 1, 2016

    "The trouble is, you think you have time." ~Buddha These past few weeks, I've once again found myself looking at life through a lens of loss and struggle and a gamut of emotions I am unable to reign in, and not even really wanting to try. I've needed to feel the rawness of it, the deep love of my family, and not take one, single breath for granted. It isn't all sad but I am learning to highlight the good moments and savor them a little longer; letting them take the edge of the sadness that...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Nov 17, 2016

    A big Thank You to all who helped with our bake sale in October. To the ones who brought baked goods and to those who came and bought the great baked goods. Also, thank you to our great boosters who donated cash. The donations were so welcome, needed and appreciated. There is a lot of work going on at the Paws Up Animal Shelter headed by Rod Stevens Construction. It is very needed. Thanks Rod, Kathy and crew. Hopefully, Hazel will have time for a big opening to the public in early spring when it’s warmer. Once again we have dogs running on R...

  • Self Changes

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Nov 10, 2016

    Staying with the theme of changes, I want to introduce some changes that are influenced by the inner Self. Recall, that in previous articles the Self was described as the center of the unconscious (hidden psychology). The Self is the psychological element that influences all parts of a person’s psychology and that assists a person find authentic meaning and direction in life. Changes that originate from the Self can be accepted or rejected. If the changes are rejected, a person’s personal development is blocked. The meaning of a person’s life...

  • Get It Together, Women

    Heather Layman|Nov 3, 2016

    It was recently pointed out to me by a male counterpart (and I am sure a trustworthy source like Hillary's email) that after my last rant about woman logic, women are twelve percent more likely to be violent during road rage. After I talked myself out of taking a swing on the unsuspecting dude, I sorta decided to go ahead and let my calm, cool woman logic prevail...hahahaha. Even I was surprised by how quickly and fluidly the words came in my retort to his ridiculous accusation! And I felt the u...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Oct 20, 2016

    Don’t forget THE BAKE SALE Friday, Oct. 21 at Cory’s Valley Market from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. We welcome your bake goods and we sure welcome all who attend and buy our delicious baked goods. Please come and help the pets. I came across these pet facts in a magazine. Owning a pet can be good for your health. Pets can be a source of friendship and affection but can also have a positive effect on your health. Studies have shown pet owners suffer fewer headaches and colds than non-pet owners. Petting and loving a pet can reduce heart rates and even...

  • Personality Changes

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Oct 13, 2016

    Personality is often considered a fixed characteristic or function within a person's psychology, however, this is far from the case. Personalities can change as much as any other psychological function. In a previous article, I described the four basic types associated with personalities – thinking, sensation, feeling and intuition. Thinking is concerned with details. Sensation stays focused in the moment, helping us know that something simply exists. Feeling evaluates people and situations, a...

  • That's Women's Logic

    Heather Layman|Oct 6, 2016

    Women think we have a logical reason for everything we say and do, whether subtle or blatant. We don't understand ourselves any more than the next person but we always promise an entertaining and enlightening adventure... For instance, why do we wax or tweeze our eyebrows just to draw them back on? Woman logic. Somewhere in our warped little mind, society has trained us that perfect eyebrows must look better shaped and sculpted and painted on. Who really knows why we think this looks better?...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Sep 22, 2016

    So all you wonderful people out there who help us so much by bringing baked goods, here we go again on Oct. 21, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., at Cory’s Valley Market. The Ed Jackson Fund is running low as we have helped many people with their dogs and cats. And Paws Up of Potomac can always use funds because there is two feedings a day. Oct. 22 is opening day of hunting and Halloween is coming so a few little packages would work for a few. Brenda, you have your assignment as does Lynn F. We hope for some new people to help us. For the men, if you d...

  • Changes and Psychological Complexes

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Sep 15, 2016

    In the previous article, a willingness and a resistance to change were introduced in a general way. In this article, I want to be more specific. So, let's look at changes with respect to complexes. Remember that complexes are part of our personal unconscious (hidden) psychologies and are triggered/activated by situations, people or comments in our daily lives. When triggered, the complex overrides our personalities and we express ourselves through the complex until the activated complex moves...

  • Electile Dysfunction

    Heather Layman|Sep 8, 2016

    I normally shy away from discussing anything religious or political but I sincerely {and I have tried} could not help myself this go round. Thanks to social media and the Internet, it's a free for all for opinion slinging these days on a bevy of topics from race, email servers, candidates, etc... And I don't like to jump in the fight {particularly when I am not educated enough to do so} but I did anyway. This year's election has me feeling like the second coming couldn't happen faster, because...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Aug 25, 2016

    Don’t forget to get your raffle tickets for the Crazy Quilt, made by Louise Cameron and embroidered by Margaret Sandor. The quilt is on display at Deer Country Quilts. Tickets are also available there. All proceeds benefit Paws Up Safe Home Animal Shelter. The drawing will be held at the Sept. 4 Seeley Lake Farmers’ & Crafters’ Market at 1 p.m. By now all of you have read or heard of the puppy mills in Charlo and Libby. Don’t you think it is time our legislators wake up and pass a bill abolishing all puppy mills and checking out the so called...

  • Changes

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Aug 18, 2016

    All things change, so we are told. In other words, nature and human nature eventually change. We only need to look at photos of ourselves from years ago, compared to the present, to see evidence of our physical changes. If we look at our car, comparing the original performance and appearance to the present condition, the changes are obvious. So we must ask: Can we see changes in a person's psychology? Most people don't want to change or want any changes in their lives. Other people invite...

  • A Pace I Long to Keep

    Heather Layman|Aug 11, 2016

    These past few summer months have been nothing short of crazy and chaotic between work and home life. Some of you may know that I work for an electric and telecom company here on the hi-line of Montana, but what you don't know is I am a credit representative. That means I get the pleasure of disconnecting services for non-payment and am somehow the late bill and payment negotiator. Let me just say right off, I am fairly sure this must be karma biting me square in both butt cheeks because I have...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Jul 28, 2016

    ALERT! THERE IS A SICK PERSON TARGETING RIVER WATCH, WHO IS POISONING PETS AND THE DEER. PLEASE WATCH FOR THEM IN THE LATE EVENING, PROBABLY AFTER DARK. THE SHERIFFS AND GAME WARDEN HAVE BEEN ALERTED!! Well, the Pathfinder party was great and it was nice to see the former owners, who were great to work with also. Donna Love gave me a signed copy of her new book "Bandit" so very good and educational. Donna also donated some books to our Paws Up Shelter to sell, which was so thoughtful. It was...

  • Our Ever-Present Psychological Influences

    Ken Silvestro PhD.|Jul 21, 2016

    At this point, it might be obvious that our psychologies are constantly involved in our lives. Every thought, emotion, creative expression, conversation, argument, relationship, loving gesture, physical action, value, belief and so on, follows from psychological influences. But why is this important? It’s important for an endless number of reasons. For example, many people are not aware, or aware enough, of these influences. If more people recognized their psychological influences, then more people would consider their expressions, gestures, re...

  • It Matters

    Heather Layman|Jul 14, 2016

    These last few weeks in our country have been rough, raw, emotional and painful. In these times, I find it hard to find ground that is inspirational and peaceful; I find it difficult to spread words of love without at first having an angry, knee-jerk reaction to the news that is poured out over televisions and social media platforms. Never have I felt our country is more at a loss for direction than now. I am not so naive as to think that my words will change anything. I am not educated by socie...

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