Opinion / Columnists

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  • A Big Pain in the ... Back

    Mule Bit Perkins|Jan 21, 2016

    You remember Del my old neighbor that had borrowed my mules during his fight with cancer. As I mentioned he was old school and really mistreated this little team. I went to see 'em. Thru no provocation or fault of my own, that little John Mule, as I approached, swung around, showed me his butt and kicked me with, of course, both feet. I knew what he intended to do as soon as he swung around so I turned to make my escape but was...too late. I was paralyzed from the waist down, or at least my...

  • To Steal Someone's Thunder

    Betty Vanderwielen, Pathfinder|Jan 21, 2016

    Younger siblings are notorious for blurting out the punch line just as big brother or sister has built up to the climax of the story. In such an instance, the older child might scream, “Stop stealing my thunder.” Those who heard the phrase might assume it referred to some Greek or Norse myth similar to the tale of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods. But actually the phrase origin has nothing to do with gods. The idiom refers to play productions. In modern plays or films, sound effects – dogs barking, stairs creaking, horns honking, thunder...

  • Please Pause for Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Jan 14, 2016

    Ahhh…rains throughout the summer, no more fires! Thanks for the donations. Paws Up Safe Home Animal Shelter of Potomac and the Seeley-Swan Community Food Bank can always use dog and cat food and all other donations. A special thank you to Vicki Scalise for her donation to The Ed Jackson (helping Pets Fund) and Barry and Carolyn Scalise for their donation in honor of Ed Jackson and Vicki Scalise. We so needed those donations. Pat Shane caught five cats and had them spayed or neutered plus shots. We also are helping two other couples get their c...

  • Examples of Personal Myths

    Ken Silvestro, PhD.|Jan 7, 2016

    The past couple of articles introduced collective and personal myths and the importance of uncovering the meanings of these myths. In this article, two examples of personal myths are provided. The examples present two individuals who discovered, or were living, their myths at an early age, which is unusual. People typically discover their personal myths at middle age, if at all. Gioachino Rossini, born in 1792, was an Italian composer who wrote operas and other forms of music. At the age of 12,...

  • Good Horses to Ride

    Heather Layman|Dec 31, 2015

    As another year draws to a close in the crazy old life, I hope that you had time to enjoy the holidays in festive style with those you love. Now, it's almost time for that "new year, new me" nonsense, and I don't know about the rest of you, but my new year's resolutions last about as long as the attention span of my two cocaine-snortin', squirrel chasin' border collies. So, I am going to give up the list making, the lofty weight loss goals, the money saving tips and just live my life. Simply,...

  • Tradin' Days

    Mule Bit Perkins|Dec 24, 2015

    In those days, I was quite the trader. I remember at one time in the front of the Parsonage where I lived were parked three, count 'em, freight wagons. And one was a mint Studebaker. Oddly enuf, I have no recollection of whatever happened to any of 'em but I'm sure I must have traded them away. I was always trading with the farmers in those days. To them most of what I wanted was junk to them although if I still had that Studebaker freight wagon I'd be wearin' a nicer hat today. Even tho' I...

  • Please Paws for People and Pets

    Elinor Williamson|Dec 17, 2015

    Hopefully everyone had a good Thanksgiving. My family did not come due to bad weather. However, I was glad as my two dogs and cat tangled with a skunk that was trying to get on my deck through a small hole under the fence. I let the two little dogs out with the cat. Minnie, the poodle, spotted the skunks head and dashed to grab it, which she did and then Mollie, my terrier, jumped in and grabbed the skunk by the neck and was pulling it in. About half way in, the cat jumped on the skunk and started pulling hair. By that time the dogs had the sku...

  • Personal Myths

    Ken Silvestro PhD|Dec 10, 2015

    In the previous article, I introduced myths as expressions from our unconscious (hidden) psychologies. Since both myths and dreams are expressions from the unconscious, providing us with meanings, it is very important to understand that each expression is critical for the development of the individual and the human species. Understanding that myths are personal expressions in our lives, however, is not easy to grasp. Actually, myths are not just expressions in our lives. Instead, myths are our...

  • Cowgirl

    Heather Layman|Dec 3, 2015

    I was recently asked if I'm a real cowgirl on a social media site I partake in. The exact question posed to me was "If you don't have cows, how can you be a cowgirl?" I pondered that thought, let my hurt feelings stroll over the words and then I questioned myself. Maybe I'm really not a tried and true cowgirl? But I had the boots, the hat, the horse, spurs, a saddle and even a pick-up truck! Accordin' to good ol' Webster, the true definition of the word is: noun. a woman who herds and tends...

  • Rapid Forest Assessment in the Auggie Fuel Treatment Area

    Kara Good, Seeley Lake Elementary Eighth Grader|Nov 26, 2015

    The Rapid Forest Assessment (RFA) in the Auggie fuel treatment area near the Morrell Creek Ski Trails in Seeley Lake, Mont. will assist everyone in knowing what is in our forests. A control plot is an area of land in the forest that has not been logged. A treatment plot is an area that has been logged. The Auggie fuel treatment is an area logged one year ago in order to improve forest health and reduce the fuels for a fire. To determine if the Auggie fuel treatment worked in the treated areas we...

  • Rememberin' Back When - Part 2 Turkey in the Straw, or Car or Post Office

    Mule Bit Perkins|Nov 26, 2015

    Back in those times, early 70s, we lived in a small rural village somewhat akin to Ovando. We lived in town in the old parsonage. That didn't stop me from bringing home mules, cattle, horses and of course turkeys. Along with my full time work at the mill, I thought if I raised some turkey poults I might make some extra cash. I did this for many years until it dawned on me it was not the money makin' venture I envisioned and yes sometimes I am a slow learner. So it was that mornin', as I fed the...

  • Treated Area Better Choice for the Forest

    Taylor Dillree, Seeley Lake Elementary Eighth Grader|Nov 19, 2015

    I'm going to compare and contrast the differences and similarities between the Auggie forest controlled and treatment areas. Things that may differ or be the same will be the fuel loads, ground cover, horizontal cover, the types and amount of trees in the area and the coarse woody debris. To start, our group looked at the ground cover of the controlled area. Litter and woody debris mostly covered the ground. Whereas in the treatment areas the ground mostly consisted of woody debris. The ground...

  • Please Paws for People and Pets

    Nov 19, 2015

    How great our Fire Dept. is for entering a burning home to look for the pets after they knew all people were out. They did save a kitten with oxygen but could not save the mother cat or the little dog who hid under the bed. How sad for the family. Lets pull together to help the family. Donations can be made at Citizens Alliance Bank by making a check out to the Gonzalez Benefit. WARNING AGAIN about sugar free gum and other products which are sugar free due to the addition of XYLITOL which is in sugar free gum and other foods. Check before you a...

  • Myths and Psychology

    Ken Silvestro PhD|Nov 12, 2015

    Often myths are considered nonsense, fictional and useless, and simply lacking in value and truth. As a result, most people can't understand why myths are worth reading. Myths tell us stories that are filled with images. The stories might be descriptions of the beginning of the world, the beginning of the universe or maybe the beginning of human nature. These stories are called creation myths. Different cultures throughout the millennia all created myths – creation, as well as other types of m...

  • Turn Out the Old Broodmare

    Nov 5, 2015

    I’ve recently decided that I am fast approaching what I call “broodmare” status. Nothing center-drives that harsh fact home faster than having a beautiful and elegant seventeen-year-old daughter. (And possibly the sway back, crabby attitude and hay belly that is starting to appear). As much as I tell myself I don’t mind getting older, that age is only a number, I still seem to gracelessly accept this fact. But {hay}, I am also discovering there just may be some benefits to being the old broodmare...Here’s why: • Fillies are oggled over for th...

  • What is Insomnia?

    Lynne Rogers, FNP-C Partnership Health Center, Seeley-Swan Medical Center|Nov 5, 2015

    After a late night of studying, I'm sitting in class and feel my eyes close and wake to find 10 minutes have passed. Oops, I hope I didn't snore. About 30 percent of us have brief episodes of daytime sleepiness (like my example) which can be caused by a break in our regular sleep habits. And 10 percent have chronic sleep issues that occur four or more times a week. What is insomnia? Simply, it is the "inability to sleep". Symptoms of insomnia can include fatigue, inability to focus or...

  • Rememberin' Back When

    Mule Bit Perkins|Oct 29, 2015

    I’m changing this up a bit from my usual dribble. I spent a little over 40 years in the feed and grain business along with milking cows. In 1971, I walked by the Ypsilanti Farm Bureau in Ypsilanti, Michigan. It was a full time feed and grain co-op. It was massive and from my apartment I could hear the grain dryers running or the feed grinders grindin’. I was looking for a job and, being from a very rural background in Ohio, I spent some time in a small feed mill. I thought, hmmm, maybe I should ask for a job. The big retail store was on one...

  • Please Pause For Pets and People

    Elinor Williamson|Oct 22, 2015

    I am happy to say The Ed Jackson fund has helped many people lately to spay and neuter dogs and cats. Paws Up Animal Shelter of Potomac has been taking in and adopting out dogs. No dogs or cats are allowed in until the rabies quarantine expires around Nov. 14. People the shelters are full of dogs and cats that have not had their rabies shots. If your dog is picked up and does not have current rabies shots, it will be held for sixty days and you will be charged with dog at loose and the charges of the sixty days held in order to get your dog...

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