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  • There's more to nymphing than bobbers

    Chuck Stranahan|Jun 20, 2024

    "Chuck, what are you doing?" We had just launched on a not-quite-treacherous stretch of water. It was too early in the day, and possibly too early in the season to expect much dry fly fishing with the salmonfly hatch. It could happen, we told ourselves. There were telltale nymph shucks on the rock near the high-water line and in the willows. We had seen some adults flying around. The ever-hopeful guy in the front seat started with a big salmonfly dry. He was busy fishing - hitting the...

  • Rocking the Atlantic into the Big Apple

    Alan Muskett MD|Jun 13, 2024

    It is evening at Liberty Landing Marina, New Jersey, which is directly across the Hudson from Manhattan, New York City. The fading sun is glinting off the glass skin of the Freedom Tower, which replaced the destroyed World Trade Centers. In the distance is the Empire State Building, now dwarfed by more modern edifices. We arrived here after a 132-mile run from Cape May, New Jersey, having toured the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. We don't usually go that far in a day, but weather might have...

  • June is busy at the library

    Carrie Benton, Seeley Lake Librarian|Jun 13, 2024

    Summer Reading Program — “Adventure Begins In Your Library” This year’s Summer Reading Program at your Seeley Lake Public Library welcomes explorers of all ages to embark on an exciting journey of discovery, imagination and learning. The Summer Reading Program begins on Monday, June 17. Come by the library to sign up and receive your free bag of goodies. Lots of prizes will be available throughout the summer, including coupons for small ice-cream cones from the Ice Cream Place for complet...

  • Driving an EV in Ovando

    Elaine Caton|Jun 13, 2024

    A lot of what we hear in the media about electric vehicles can be discouraging to anyone even considering buying one, and I had a lot of those concerns as well. Can you find places to charge them? Are they affordable? Do they just trade one environmental problem for another? Are they more dangerous to drive? I’ve found out that a lot of what we hear is exaggerated or just untrue. My husband and I bought an electric vehicle a year ago. We spent a fair amount of time researching EVs and talking to people who have them. We settled on a Chevy B...

  • People from our Past - William Andrews Clark Jr.

    Tom Browder, Seeley Lake Historical Society|Jun 6, 2024

    If you studied Montana history in the eighth grade many years ago, you read about the Copper Kings: Marcus Daly, William A. Clark and Augustus Heinze — the one we never remember. Clark, born in 1839, came west to work in the mining camps, ran a freight business from Salt Lake City to Montana and became a banker in Deer Lodge. In this latter role he foreclosed on mining claims in the Butte area, just when electrification in major cities back east created a huge demand for copper. Once he went off to Washington D.C. to serve in the U.S. Senate ...

  • Support for Dave Kesler

    Sen. Theresa Manzella, Hamilton|Jun 6, 2024

    I wish every little girl was blessed to have a father like Dave Kesler. A father who will train her up in the way she should go with the appropriate levels of love and discipline, and a father who will sacrifice himself to protect her. Anyone can allege wrongdoing against anyone for anything. Slanderous allegations require no special skill set. Proving the allegations through proper due process is quite a different task. None of the allegations against Dave Kesler have been proven. Not one. I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Dave Kesler, a...

  • Elect John Fitzpatrick to the Legislature

    Dick Bauman, Deer Lodge|Jun 6, 2024

    I am writing to support the candidacy of Representative John Fitzpatrick. John currently represents Deer Lodge and Granite Counties. As a result of the Redistricting Commission re-drawing the district boundaries he is now running for office in both Powell County and the Seeley Lake area. During the 2023 Legislature, John really looked after the interests of Deer Lodge, Powell and Granite Counties. First, he sponsored and enacted House Bill 13, the State Pay Plan bill, which provided the staff at the prison and Warm Springs with the first real...

  • The edge of chaos

    Kapp Johnson, Retired pastor living in Seeley Lake|Jun 6, 2024

    “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Judges 21:25 As ancient Israel settled into the promised land their social and governmental organization was quite loose. The main feature at this time was the emergence of individuals who delivered their fellow countrymen from various oppressors, e.g. the Philistines. But it really didn’t work too well. The more serious problem was the independence of the tribes from each other, thus exposing the ancient Israelites to all sorts of social and polit...

  • Please vote for me

    Alan Muskett MD|May 30, 2024

    Greetings from the Chesapeake Bay. We have been working our way up through Virginia, now Maryland, through the lands of earliest English exploration, American Revolution, Civil War and other scrimmages/wars/skullduggery that created this country. Last week we visited the very battlefield at Yorktown, where English General Cornwallis blew a fourth quarter lead and surrendered to George Washington. All this history has filled me with patriotic fervor, a desire to give back to honor all the...

  • Yes, there is a nitrate problem

    Bill Decker, Seeley Lake|May 30, 2024

    In a recent Letter to the Editor, Don Larson contends that the waterfront and riverfront properties are the worst septic effluent polluters on our lakes and waterfront. That is speculation. Even if it were proven to be true, how does that address the known elevated groundwater nitrate issue within the district? Mr. Larson’s comments on testing and repairing waterfront septic systems on all the lakes has merit but again, how does that address the known issue within the district? And, is there any reason why we can’t do what Mr. Larson sug...

  • Dave Kesler for House District 76

    Bart Crabtree, Great Falls|May 30, 2024

    In this season of Montana State politics, I cannot resist laying my hammer down, pen this letter to the editor, and expose the ugly and completely dishonest smear campaign that John Fitzpatrick is hurling at the public against Dave Kesler, candidate for House District 76. The citizens of Montana, and particularly your district, should be utterly appalled at the lies. Dave Kesler is an intelligent, honest, hard working and dedicated father who gives much to others. He will represent your district and all Montanans with integrity and truth, not...

  • Endorsing John Fitzpatrick to represent House District 76

    Rep. Mike Hopkins, House District 92|May 30, 2024

    To the people and voters of Seeley Lake, I thank you for the opportunity and honor of representing you in the Montana Legislature for the past eight years. Under Montana Law, I am ineligible to run again this year but, fortunately, there is a candidate who can and will serve the people of Seeley Lake very effectively. Rep. John Fitzpatrick, who currently represents Deer Lodge and Granite Counties, is now running in a new district which adds Powell County and Seeley Lake to the remainder of his old district. John Fitzpatrick served with me on...

  • How nature helps me connect with the creator

    Sherman Smith, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints|May 30, 2024

    I’m grateful for the spiritual places we can go to get away from the busyness of life, like the temple or even a quiet room in our homes. I have also found that being in nature and its peacefulness has helped me connect with Heavenly Father. Is it great to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, smelling the scent of fresh rainfall, or hearing the sound of a babbling creek. These things have allowed me to quiet my soul and prepare my heart to connect with heaven. Even the simplicity of c...

  • Forestry rooted in Montana

    Missoula Chapter Society of American Foresters|May 30, 2024

    Montanans appreciate our locally grown food, from vegetables to huckleberries, raw honey and grass-fed beef. Can we say the same about our wood products? By supporting the forest industry in Montana, you are ensuring that wood products are coming from forests managed with some of the most stringent environmental laws in the world. The Missoula Chapter of the Society of American Foresters (SAF) supports investment in our local forest products industry. Montana’s identity is rooted in our forests. Sustaining the capacity for active forest m...

  • Chasing Snow: The hairs on the hare's back

    Sara Lamar, Swan Valley Connections Managing Director|May 30, 2024

    The winter of 2024 will be remembered as one of the driest winters on record for Montana. According to the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), the average statewide snow water equivalent (a measure of how much water is in our snowpack) was only about an inch above the 30-year-average record low in March. In the Mission Mountains of the upper Swan River watershed, the snow water equivalent was 36% below average. These conditions aren't a complete surprise, as forecasters predicted that...

  • No nitrate problem in Seeley

    Don Larson, Polson, Montana|May 23, 2024

    We don’t have a nitrate problem in Seeley. We have a health department/real estate developer problem. These folks continue to push for a central sewer for the area but the system they are proposing, in the sewer district as it is now drawn, will never clean up or protect the watershed. The present sewer district does not include the worst septic effluent polluters. That would be all the waterfront and riverfront properties on all the lakes. Were the Missoula County Health Department to ever develop the political courage to test all the w...

  • The safest choice for children is Dave Kesler

    Elizabeth Peterson, Manhattan, Montana|May 23, 2024

    As the Montana State Representative for the National Safe Parents Organization, I have meticulously vetted Montana’s legislative candidates in order to determine who prioritizes the health and safety of children and who can be trusted to display honor in the ruthless political arena. As a private citizen, Dave Kesler has sacrificed countless hours, and his own hard earned money, to educate himself and advocate for common sense child safety laws in Montana over the last few years. Unintimidated by the hyper-slanderous hyperbole excreted by the c...

  • Seeley Lake Historical Society - Memorial Day Open House 2024

    Tom Browder, Seeley Lake Historical Society|May 23, 2024

    Memorial Day, when we honor those members of our armed forces who died while serving their country, has a long history. Once known as Decoration Day, it was first celebrated in 1868. Although it has been in existence for 156 years, it has only been since 1971 that the holiday has been observed on the last Monday in May. Before that, Memorial Day always fell on May 30. This year, we encourage everyone to join the ceremony on Monday, May 27 at 11 a.m., at the Seeley Lake Veterans Memorial Garden....

  • Thought for the week - Paradise!

    Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|May 23, 2024

    What thoughts come to mind when you see the word paradise? For some it is a lovely beach with sunshine and warm sand. Maybe paradise is the view from the top of a mountain. For me, it would be a big shop building with all sorts of tools and projects with time to work on them all. We all have our own ideas of what makes paradise in our lives. Spring comes in many forms. I just know that I now laugh at the idea of April showers bringing May flowers. Spring is that time of perfect temps, not too hot and not too cool, cool nights and warmish days....

  • Getting outdoors has measurable health benefits

    Dr. JoDean Nicolette MD|May 23, 2024

    Your feet hit the dirt and the sound of cars is replaced by the call of a yellow warbler. The majestic trunks of Nordic pine and Tamarack shield you from the concrete. You smell the Ponderosas and let the huckleberry leaves brush your legs. Exhale and relax. It feels great, and it is. Most of us know that getting out into nature is beneficial, whether it's exercise, clean air, vitamin D production, or simply taking a break from our frenetic daily lives. Science has discovered that visiting a...

  • Blackfoot Challenge summer stewardship happenings

    Jennifer Schoonen, Blackfoot Challenge Director of Communications and Fund Development|May 23, 2024

    Summer brings the field season for Blackfoot Challenge program staff - teaming up with landowners, state and federal partners and fellow conservation organizations to make hay while the sun shines. From new electric fences to piles of biochar, here are a few updates on Blackfoot community stewardship work happening around the watershed. Education In spring and fall, school-based education events are in full swing. In May, Challenge staff took part in an all-day bear-aware event for Seeley Lake...

  • Please don't ground me

    Alan Muskett MD|May 16, 2024

    When we started this boat trip around the Eastern United States, we kept hearing about Bob423. It seemed odd that a group of retired boomers, who seem to have a bottomless appetite for classic rock (one more rendition of "Margaritaville" in a seaside restaurant and my cranium will fragment like a grenade) would be so devoted to a rapper. Turns out that Bob423 is not a rapper, but a 70-ish retired engineer who looks like your high school civics teacher. His retirement passion has been to cruise t...

  • Employee of the year

    Dale Terrillion, Proctor, Montana|May 16, 2024

    Last fall my grandson and I did a few-days camping trip back to the Swan. We spent a few days there at the Cold Creek Bridge. It was many years since I left and I enjoyed again what I had remembered the almost 30 years I had lived there. In need of the outhouse facilities I went to check it out. I wasn’t prepared for what was there. It was a sight for sore eyes! Someone had not quite made the seat and it was unusable. Not having cell service I drove to a friend’s house with a landline. I called Swan Lake Forest Service to inform the gal the...

  • Why I support Dave Kesler for House District 76

    Former Rep. Mike Miller, Helmville, Montana|May 16, 2024

    Dave is challenging a current legislator (and former lobbyist) that ended up in this district (HD 76) after the district boundaries were redrawn as part of the last state legislative redistricting maps were drawn. We did not get to vote for him and from what I can see, he did not do a good job of representing conservative Powell and Granite Counties during the last Session. Dave’s opponent scored second to last in the GOP on the Montana Family Foundation’s scorecard. One bill would have allowed parents more transparency into their chi...

  • Vote C.B. Pearson for SD 46

    Karen Wickersham, SD 46 voter|May 16, 2024

    C.B. Pearson is, without a doubt, the most experienced candidate running to represent Senate District 46 in the Montana Legislature. C.B. knows how to navigate the political landscape and has built relationships to effectively advocate for issues Montanans care about. He has years of experience successfully taking on powerful economic interests that threaten Montanan’s way of life. Our state and country face serious threats from the extreme right and from corporations who do not care about our Montana values of clean air, clean water and our p...

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