(51) stories found containing 'Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee'

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  • Local Loggers Add Input to Draft Plan Edits

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Nov 10, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - Edits made with the input of local loggers to the 2.0 Economic Opportunity Element were accepted at the Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) meeting Nov. 2. SVRPC member Diann Ericson enlisted the help of local loggers to add their expertise to the section entitled 2.2 Potential of Past and Current Economic Activity. The loggers’ edits changed the focus of the paragraph from the industry declining due to pests, disease, climate change and the continuing mechanization to providing economic opportunity through r...

  • Envisioning Process Revisited

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Oct 20, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) met Oct. 12 and revisited residents’ responses regarding what was envisioned for the Swan Valley. The envisioning process was intended to be the foundation of the Swan Valley Draft Plan. Members of the SVRPC reviewed the envisioning questions to see if the draft plan is in agreement with what the community wants for the Swan Valley. They also wanted to apply it to the 2.0 Economic Opportunity Element on which they are currently working. The SVRPC members discussed balancing e...

  • Draft Plan Economic Development Revised

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Sep 22, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) began discussion of the economic climate in the Swan Valley at their Sept. 14 meeting. Editing of the second element of the draft plan, Economic Development, was begun. Topics addressed during the meeting were 2.1 Economic Activity in the Swan Valley and 2.2 Barriers to Economic Development. Resident Marcia Tapp said, “We [the valley] need some stimulation to our economy. The tax base is shrinking and those who live here can’t afford the taxes. We need some viable businesses and...

  • Keller Made Recommendations for Growth Plan Process

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Aug 11, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - Swan Valley resident John Keller spoke about his observations of the Missoula County growth plan process and gave his recommendations to help improve the Swan Valley Regional Plan (SVRP) at the Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee meeting Aug. 3. Chair Ken Donovan said he invited Keller to speak about what he has learned about the county plan and how it can be applied to the Swan Valley growth plan. Donovan said, “John has been to most of the [Missoula County Growth Plan] meetings and I think his observations will benefit o...

  • Planning Committee Edits Draft Plan

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Jul 21, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) met July 13 to consider public comments and Missoula lawyer Colleen Dowdall’s edits to the draft regional plan. The committee addressed and edited sections in the Natural Resources and Environmental Element including Ground Water Quality, Noise and Light Pollution. The committee voted four to one to delete the entire Climate Change section. The SVRPC voted with two opposed to accept Dowdall’s edits to the first three paragraphs in Ground Water Quality which removed excess verbiag...

  • Regional Plan Draft Edited and Reworded

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Jun 30, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) met June 24 to revise the draft plan. They addressed sections of the Natural Resources and Environment Element. Changes were applied to sections pertaining to fencing, timber management and air quality. After consideration of submitted comments, some of Missoula attorney Colleen Dowdall’s edits were used as well as SVRPC member Dave Johnson’s additions and rewording. The SVRPC agreed to take out the word stock to describe fencing. According to SVRPC member Dwayne Forder, the...

  • Community Briefs

    Jun 9, 2016

    CORRECTION: The Whalen Cabin that was recently moved to the Swan Valley Museum was donated to the Upper Swan Valley Historical Society by Roger Donald of Condon. Sharon Gressle and her relatives funded the move. Delegate Selection County Convention – June 9 MISSOULA - The Missoula County Democrats are calling their 2016 Democratic Delegate Selection County Convention to be held Thursday, June 9 at 6 p.m. at Hellgate High School, Main Auditorium, 900 S. Higgins Ave., Missoula. They will caucus w...

  • Donovan New Chair, Edits to Draft Continue

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Jun 2, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) meeting held May 26 was led by the new chair Ken Donovan. Edits to the draft regional plan continued focused on recommendations from the Swan Valley school board. The SVRPC made edits to the Draft Plan using comments from School District No. 33 School Board. The school board pointed out in its comments that the word ecosystem was not used correctly in the 1.0 Element named Natural Resources and Environment. According to the comments, ecosystem is too broad a term to use when...

  • Draft Plan Edits Continue, Further Study Needed

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|May 19, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) met to address and edit more of the Swan Valley Regional Draft Plan (SVRP) May 11. Edits and comments from Swan Valley Elementary District No. 33 School Board and residents were utilized. The committee voted to table Section 1.2 Habitat Types of the SVRP until the next meeting. It was agreed the comments needed further study. SVRPC member Dave Johnson said that since none on the committee were well versed in habitat types, the committee should come back to it. He said the...

  • Changes Made to Draft Plan, Chair Moseley Resigns

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|May 12, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) met May 4 to continue edits to the Swan Valley Regional Plan (SVRP). They considered comments from residents and Missoula lawyer Colleen Dowdall. Comments from Swan Valley residents about the definition of the word goal on page 61 of the draft were discussed. SVRPC member Dwayne Forder said that the definition as written was hard to interpret and gave too much leeway for interpretation when the county considers the plan. “We need to make it [the definition] more clear,” For...

  • Candidates Respond, More Information Needed on Wild and Scenic

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Apr 28, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - Three candidates running for two vacant Swan Valley Community Council (SVCC) seats spoke and responded to a question during the SVCC regular meeting Tuesday, April 19. The Swan River’s eligibility to become a Wild and Scenic River under the Wild and Scenic Act of 1968 was also discussed. Candidates Elda (Ellie) Greenough, Lacey McNutt and Henry S. Westra spoke about why they were qualified to win a seat on the SVCC. Greenough moved to the Swan Valley in 1978 from the Midwest where she was raised on a farm. She has held many j...

  • Draft Revisions Begin, Alternate Plan Heard

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Apr 21, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - Members of the Swan Valley Regional Plan Committee (SVRPC) began revisions on the Swan Valley Regional Plan (SVRP) draft at their April 13 meeting. The SVRPC discussed and approved edits and comments submitted by Missoula lawyer Colleen Dowdall, local journalist Suzanne Vernon, Missoula Community and Planning Services (CAPS) planner Mitch Doherty, residents and those in attendance. The committee also heard an alternate plan submitted by Swan Valley resident Harry Blazer. The SVRPC voted to accept Dowdall’s edits to the f...

  • Comments Reviewed, More Public Participation

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Mar 31, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) decided how they would review and assess the public’s comments at their March 23 special meeting held at the Swan Valley Community Hall. This round of comments ended March 16. The committee members agreed to divide and reread the comments to become familiar with them as they work through the draft’s wording at the next meeting. The SVRPC also agreed to project the plan draft on a screen at following public meetings as they edit the draft so it is visible to all in att...

  • Planning Committee Hears Additional Comments

    Colleen Kesterson|Mar 17, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - Swan Valley residents commented on the Swan Valley Regional Plan (SVRP) draft at the Swan Valley Regional Plan Committee (SVRPC) meeting March 9. Deadline for comments from residents was March 16. Several of the nearly 20 residents present at the meeting asked questions and voiced their opinions on the plan draft to the SVRPC. Questions asked are in bold. Responses from the SVRPC follow the question. What is a rough percentage of the community that gave input [during the envisioning process]? Out of 650 residents, 183 answered the...

  • Vote for Larry Dunham, HD 92

    Dwayne Forder, Condon, Mont.|Mar 17, 2016

    I support the candidacy of Larry Dunham for Representative for House District 92. He has been a member of the Swan Valley Community Council and The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee and active participant in community activities. He researches all sides of issues and topics in order to be as well informed as he can be. He is a good listener and willing to hear your thoughts. I encourage you to support and vote for Larry Dunham for House District 92 Representative....

  • Swan Valley Residents Discuss SVRP Draft

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Mar 10, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - Swan Valley residents commented on the Swan Valley Regional Plan (SVRP) draft at a public hearing March 2 held at the Swan Valley Community Hall. According to SVRP committee chair Cilla Moseley, there will be more public hearings on the draft in the future. Moseley encouraged residents to follow the plan through all stages of approval with Missoula County Community Planning and Services (CAPS), the Missoula County planning board and the Missoula County Commissioners. The SVRP is an update of the 1996 growth plan developed by the...

  • Residents and Missoula Lawyer Comment on Regional Plan Draft

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Feb 25, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY- Missoula lawyer Colleen Dowdall, recognized in the state of Montana as an authority on land use, along with several residents presented their comments on the Swan Valley Regional Plan (SVRP) draft at the Swan Valley Community Council (SVCC) meeting Feb. 16. The public meeting regarding the draft plan will be held March 2 at 7 p.m. at the Swan Valley Community Hall. Swan Valley resident Harry Blazer asked Dowdall to be present at the meeting. Blazer offered to pay Dowdall and the committee agreed to review her comments along with...

  • Committee Prepares for March 2 Community Meeting

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Feb 18, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY – The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) decided on the ground rules for the March 2 community meeting to which the community will be invited to bring questions and comments regarding the draft Swan Valley-Condon Regional Plan (SVRP) for the Swan Valley. The meeting will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Swan Valley Community Hall. While there will be copies of the draft plan available at the meeting, the public is invited to review it ahead of time at the Swan Valley Library or online by visiting w...

  • Board Focuses on Swan Valley Regional Plan's Impact on School

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Feb 18, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Elementary School (SVE) board discussed the Swan Valley Regional Plan (SVRP) at their monthly meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 9. They addressed how the SVRP will impact the school. They considered how the board will respond to the SVRP committee with comments on the school’s needs, growth and future along with other improvements to the SVRP before the public comment meeting March 2. The SVE board members agreed with board chairperson John Mercer that the SVRP Committee did a phenomenal job addressing the protection of sceni...

  • Swan Valley Regional Plan Available for Review and Comment

    Feb 4, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Planning Committee announced the release of the draft 2016 Swan Valley Regional Plan update. The plan is available to review at this link: http://tinyurl.com/SVPlanUpdate. Over the last several years, growth, development and conservation in the Swan Valley have been guided by the 1996 Swan Valley-Condon Comprehensive Plan. The draft plan update is the product of many years of work from many members of the community. Starting from gathering statements from community members on their thoughts about the valley and...

  • Committee Approves Draft Plan

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Jan 21, 2016

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) approved the draft regional plan with pending edits at their Jan. 13 meeting. Once the final edits are made within the next week, the plan will be available for the public to review and make comments on prior to the Swan Valley Community Council’s approval. Planner Bob Horne presented the committee with four new sub-sections to consider: wildlife-friendly fencing recommendations; improved communications between the county and council asking for a single point of contact for t...

  • Contract Not Renewed to Complete Regional Plan

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Dec 24, 2015

    SWAN VALLEY - Missoula County informed Applied Communications Planner Bob Horne and the Swan Valley Community Council (SVCC) that after Horne’s contract for Task 1, writing the first draft, on the Swan Valley Regional Plan was complete Dec. 31, that they would not continue funding him for the three additional tasks. County Planner Mitch Doherty said the decision had nothing to do with Horne’s performance or the plan’s progress. “This has been a grassroots effort,” said Doherty of the entire process of revising the 1996 Swan Valley Regional...

  • Draft Nears Completion, Discussions Continue

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Dec 17, 2015

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee (SVRPC) is in the final stages of editing the draft regional growth plan. At the Dec. 8 meeting, the SVRPC addressed comments and concerns from those on the committee and others that have been active in the process. Following the January meeting, the committee hopes to have a working draft to present to the community. Swan Valley resident Rick Ferguson suggested including the label “Crown of the Continent” for the Swan Valley in the Natural Resource Element. “It’s a good reminde...

  • Committee Works through Final Element

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Nov 26, 2015

    SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley Regional Planning Committee discussed the Implementation Element at their last meeting Nov. 19. Planner Robert Horne expects to have a complete draft for the committee to review at the December meeting. The Implementation Element outlines the processes and procedures and identifies the partnerships and collaborations needed to get things done. In the opening paragraph it states there are multiple methods and techniques to implement the plan but the community has opted not to recommend regulations. Swan Valley...

  • MDT Extends No Passing Zone, Commissioners Support SVE Safety Issue

    Colleen Kesterson, Pathfinder|Nov 26, 2015

    SWAN VALLEY - Newly elected Missoula County Commissioner Stacy Rye spoke at the Nov. 17 meeting of the Swan Valley Community Council (SVCC). She told those in attendance that the commissioners supported the citizens concerned about the danger to buses and drivers pulling in and out of the Swan Valley School (SVE) on Highway 83. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) responded to Swan Valley citizens’ letters about the SVE safety issue in a letter sent to SVCC member Marcia Tapp. The MDT letter indicated that the no passing zone would b...

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