Sorted by date Results 251 - 275 of 405
Floodwaters in three of the four sub-districts of the Seeley Lake Sewer District should give present and future Board members pause. Those areas should probably never be built on because they are wetlands and the homes already in those areas should get special sewage treatment attention. Sewering those areas will encourage growth and at present the Seeley Lake Water District is at capacity. It will not be able to supply the new development with water unless it makes considerable, expensive new capital investment. If new owners want water they...
Challengers won positions on the Seeley Lake Sewer District board while incumbents kept their spots on the Seeley Lake Fire District board and Potomac School board as a result of the May 8 election. The Missoula County Public Schools high school bond passed with a little more than 56 percent of voters supporting it. Countywide, only 34 percent of registered voters participated while the hotly contested sewer district and fire district races in Seeley Lake drew 62 percent and 53 percent...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Council hosted two candidate forums, April 9 and 11, covering eight races with 31 candidates in attendance. All candidates on the May 8 Special District Mail-in ballot and June 5 primary were invited. Absentee ballots for the June 5 election were mailed May 11. For the next two weeks, the Pathfinder will feature two of the races from the Candidate Forum. This week the Pathfinder features the candidates for U.S. Senate that will appear on the ballot during...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer District Board held a public hearing May 3 regarding applications for grants to fund the construction of Phase 2 of the collection system. Great West Engineering is preparing to submit applications for funds from the Renewable Resource Grant and Loan (RRGL) program administered by the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and the Treasure State Endowment Project (TSEP) through Montana’s Department of Commerce. Both programs require an updated Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) and an e...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Council hosted two candidate forums, April 9 and 11, covering eight races with 31 candidates in attendance. All candidates on the May 8 Special District Mail-in ballot and June 5 primary were invited. Ballots for the May 8 election were mailed April 18. Prior to the June 5 primary, the Pathfinder will feature each race from the Candidate Forum. This week the Pathfinder features the candidates for Missoula County Commissioner. Previous coverage of the...
Potomac School Board: Gary Long Seeley Lake Fire Board: Gary Lewis and Connie Clark Seeley Lake Sewer District Troy Spence, Beth Hutchinson, Juli Cole Missoula County Public Schools Operations Levy: PASSED **Full results and numbers will be available in next week's issue....
SEELEY LAKE - After last summer's fires and the heavy snowfall this winter, many residents around Seeley Lake are now flooded or threatened with flood waters. The rivers continue to rise as the snowpack in the mountains slowly begins to melt. The flooding is not only affecting homes but also washing out roads, creating mudslides and threatening bridges. The North Fork Jocko (667) SNOTEL Site at 6,330 feet reported a snow depth of 156 inches with a snow water equivalent of 57.8 inches April 2....
SEELEY LAKE - The new candidates for membership on the Board of Directors of the Seeley Lake Sewer District have indicated their desire to serve. I doubt service is their true intention. Bubbling up between their claims of bringing transparency, a new perspective and other seemingly laudable traits is the obvious intent to destroy from within that which they were unsuccessful in sabotaging before. Colleen Krause put it well, “The top priority for these three candidates is not to immediately [underline added] reject the sewer. Their key focus w...
SEELEY LAKE - Mr. Spence hit the nail on the head. There is a lot of false information regarding the sewer and his article in the April 26th Letters to the Editor is a prime example. His first question is “How is that [Placid Lake algae bloom] possibly caused by Seeley Lake septic systems?” No one who reads and writes English could honestly misinterpret my comments to make that claim. But those are Mr. Spence’s own words that, I believe, are meant to intentionally deceive the readers of this newspaper and the voters within the Sewer Distr...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Council hosted two candidate forums, April 9 and 11, covering eight races with 31 candidates in attendance. All candidates on the May 8 Special District Mail-in ballot and June 5 primary were invited. Ballots for the May 8 election were mailed April 18. For the next two weeks, the Pathfinder will continue to feature races from the Candidate Forum. This week the Pathfinder features the candidates for House District 92 that will appear on the ballot during...
SEELEY LAKE - Seeley Lake is very fortunate to have three new people who are interested in running for the Sewer Board. They are Beth Hutchinson, Troy Spence and Juli Cole. The top priority for these three candidates is not to immediately reject the sewer. Their key focus will be on reevaluating all wastewater treatment options and greatly improving communications with the district. There are several issues that they will address if elected to the board. One of their main concerns is that many of the constituents in Phase I will be forced into...
SEELEY LAKE - The more the sewer is the topic, the more false information is surfacing. First of all, regarding Joann Wallenburn’s letter in the April 19 issue of the Pathfinder. I would like to ask her to support her facts on the Placid Lake algae bloom. How is that possibly caused by Seeley Lake septic systems? And in reference to Wallenburn’s comment on the Salmon Lake algae bloom, since Placid Lake is upstream from Salmon Lake, wouldn’t it be logical to say maybe Placid has leaking septics or some DNRC lots on the Clearwater have issue...
SEELEY LAKE - When long-term, costly decisions are being made, you— the voters— deserve to be given reliable information. Getting such information from the current Seeley Lake Sewer Trustees has been and continues to be virtually impossible. When incumbents spoke at the candidates’ forum, they continued to demonstrate their inability to serve us well. Asked about what might be reasonable sewer rates, they each waffled in different directions. According to earlier, formal board and general manager-released figures for debt (+/- $55) and opera...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer District continued to discuss the location of the sewer forcemain from town to the treatment plant and received new information on an easement on Pine Drive at their April 19 board meeting. A possible source of funding to help out low-income residents has been identified. The board also discussed the upcoming board election and approved their conflict-of-interest policy and next year’s budget. At last month’s meeting, several board members questioned why the sewer forcemain from the lift station near the int...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Council hosted two candidate forums, April 9 and 11, covering eight races with 31 candidates in attendance. All candidates on the May 8 Special District Mail-in ballot and June 5 primary were invited. Ballots for the May 8 election were mailed April 18. For the next three weeks, the Pathfinder will feature two of the races from the Candidate Forum. This week the Pathfinder features the candidates for the Missoula County Sheriff’s and Justice of the P...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Council hosted two candidate forums, April 9 and 11, covering eight races with 31 candidates in attendance. All candidates on the May 8 Special District Mail-in ballot and June 5 primary were invited. Ballots for the May 8 election were mailed April 18. For the next three weeks, the Pathfinder will feature two of the races from the Candidate Forum. This week the Pathfinder features the candidates for the Missoula County Sheriff's and Justice of the Peace t...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Council hosted two candidate forums, April 9 and 11, at the Seeley Lake Community Hall. Candidates for national, state, county and local races answered questions from moderator and Council Press Contact Klaus von Stutterheim and the audience. All candidates that will appear on the May 8 Special District Mail-in ballot and June 5 primary were invited. Ballots for the May 8 election were mailed April 18. For the next four weeks, the Pathfinder will feature...
Seeley Lake Sewer District (Non-partisan: 3, 4-year terms): Incumbents Mark Butcher, Mike Lindemer and Robert (Bob) Skiles along with candidates Juli Cole, Beth Hutchinson and Troy Spence are running for three positions on the board. Spence was not in attendance at the forum. Mark Butcher said he didn't think about politics when he was originally asked to serve on the Sewer Board. He has been a sewer plant operator for about 30 years and in that time he has seen a lot of companies build a lot...
Current Seeley Lake Sewer Board: Males - 100%, Females - 0%, Business Owners - 100%, Wage Earners - 0%, Fixed Income/Retired - 0%, High Value Property Ownership - 100%, Apparent Need for Sewer - 100%, Relevant Training/Background - 40% Flexibility in Problem-solving - 0-20% Sewer Board with Three New Members: Males - 60%, Females - 40%, Business Owners - 40%, Wage Earners - 40%, Fixed Income/Retired - 20%, High Value Property Ownership - 40%, Apparent Need for Sewer - 50-50%, Relevant Training/Background - 50%, Flexibility in Problem-solving -...
I am running for Missoula County Commissioner because my experience and common sense leadership are needed now more than ever. I have a passion for Missoula County. I was born in Missoula and raised on a farm in the Swan. I graduated from Seeley-Swan High School. When I say I am going ‘up home’ - I am coming to this valley. When I drop down the hill to Salmon Lake, I am home. Seeley Lake is unique as it is unincorporated and yet has a sewer board, water board, fire board, cemetery board, hospital district and a volunteer fire department. I wor...
SEELEY LAKE - We chose to move to Seeley Lake for the beauty of the mountains, the lakes and streams, the critters, the snow…The small town. Back then, the sewer, “to be or not to be,” was a topic of discussion – and it still is 16 years later and already had been for 10. No one can accuse the sewer board of acting too quickly! I paid attention from a distance reading newspaper articles and attending public meetings. What I have paid close attention to are our lakes and streams. With the decline of the timber industry, Seeley Lake has relied...
Mark Butcher - Incumbent I am currently a serving board member and up for renewal for my position. I was originally approached to consider serving because of my Operator qualifications for water & waste water treatment plants in Alaska. Our family moved to Seeley Lake in 2012 and we own Blue River Station. My family is foremost, but welding, metal fab, all phases of construction, mechanics, farming, oil field operations, hunting/fishing, camping and exploring are my enjoyment. Experience: I...
SEELEY LAKE – As I read the March 22 issue of the Pathfinder, I walk over to the wall and beat my head against it. I am very amazed how a board of individuals that are supposed to be representing the citizens of Seeley Lake have posted false info and did a protest in the middle of winter that was unconstitutional to the voters to try and pass the bonds there. This is very unprofessional and is deceptive practice by giving a number and not being honest to the voting people. The board has no idea of the routes needed for the project. So how c...
SEELEY LAKE - If you are overwhelmed by the number of candidates who are running for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, Fire District, Sewer District, County Commissioner, Sheriff, etc. come to the Seeley Lake Community Council’s Candidates Forums next week. Hear the candidates who are vying for your vote and grill them on the issues that are important to you. Because of the many contested races this year and the sheer number of candidates, we decided to hold two forums. Monday, April 9, 5:15 p.m. at the Community Center: U.S. Senate, Missoula C...
SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer District started working on meeting Rural Development’s conditions including attaining easements and writing district policies at their March 15 meeting. The sewer project can not be let out to bid before the conditions are met. In other business, the board voted to send a letter to Powell County in regard to the proposed 61-lot subdivision and discussed the voter qualifications for the upcoming board election. The district also received one of two grants applied for to start the design of Phase 2’s col...