Articles from the June 14, 2018 edition

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  • Dennisons Celebrate 50 Years of Marriage

    Zoie Koostra, Pathfinder|Jun 14, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE - Last Sunday, June 10, Tim and Dee Dennison renewed their vows and celebrated 50 years of marriage together with their friends and family at the Mission Bible Fellowship in Seeley Lake. They credit their long and successful marriage to the example set by both of their parents, their strong faith in God and the three "rules" they agreed on when they first got married. The Dennisons' journey getting together was complicated. After participating in many of the same activities in high s...

  • Sokoloski Awarded Grizzly Claw Scholarship

    Jun 14, 2018

    Owner of the Grizzly Claw Trading Company Sue Baker presenting 2018 Seeley-Swan High School graduate Jasen Sokoloski The Grizzly Claw Scholarship Award for $667. Sokoloski will be attending Flathead Community College in Kalispell, Mont. this fall....

  • Do You Need a Will?

    Martha Goodloe, Attorney at Law|Jun 14, 2018

    I wrote my will while the fetal heart monitors beeped as I lay in the hospital bed in Missoula. I was drinking my fourth milkshake of the day in a feeble attempt to add body weight to my soon to be born twins. At first, I was just vaguely worried about what would happen to them if something happened to me, then I became very worried. I need to do something. So, I tapped the nurse call button, asked for paper and a pen and wrote a will. Two weeks later I delivered babies A and B, my daughter Laws...

  • A Few Words on Lung Cancer

    Dr. Todd Fife, Seeley-Swan Medical Center, Partnership Health Center|Jun 14, 2018

    My dad doesn't smoke but this last year he was diagnosed with lung cancer. I suspect this was caused from radiation he received as a teenager in the 1950's. It's certainly not just a smoker's disease, but by-in-large, those who smoke are the ones who typically get lung cancer (among other things like bladder cancer or COPD). Ok, don't give up on this article just yet, if you think this is just another forum to scare you into stop smoking, read on because this is a forum to introduce you to an...

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