Articles from the April 20, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 25

  • District Accepts Second Chance at Funding

    Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer District (SLSD) Board received a second chance at funding the construction of the proposed wastewater treatment plant and Sub-District/Phase I of the collection system. The funding package consists of $5.7 million in grants and $4.4 million in loans. The news came in a letter to the district, dated March 20, from Steve Troendle, United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development (RD) Community Programs Director. The board had requested a second chance after the bond election failed last December. The...

  • Draft Decision for Center Horse Project Released

    Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - The Lolo National Forest has completed the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Draft Record of Decision (DROD) for the Center Horse Landscape Restoration project. While the analysis for the document is complete, the decision remains a draft until the final step in the process – a 45-day objection period – is complete. The 61,000 acre Center Horse Project area is on the Seeley Lake Ranger District. It is about 14 miles north of Ovando and includes the North Fork Cottonwood and Spring Creek drainages on the west and the...

  • Local Shooters Ranked Second in the Nation

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    LAYTON, UTAH - The Hellgate Civilian Junior Shooters (HCJS) will be bringing two teams to the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) three-position (3P) National Championships in Camp Perry, Ohio in June, a first for the state of Montana. Both teams placed in the top 27 teams nationally at the Western Regional Air Rifle 3P Championships in Layton, Utah April 6-8. The team with Seeley Lake's Ibby Lorentz and Justin Thomas, Alex Weisenburger of Florence, Mont. and Jonna Warnken of Superior, Mont. is...

  • Collecting Eggs, Claiming Prizes

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE – Preparation for the April 15 Seeley Lake Lions Easter Egg Hunt took hours, but the egg hunters picked their eggs, received their prizes and enjoyed their candy in less than thirty minutes. While the Lions agree the Easter egg hunt is a lot of work, they also agree the smiles and joy they see on the children's faces is why they do it every year. Lion Ken Kronsperger said 25 volunteers cleaned and filled 3,000 eggs with candy on Friday afternoon. Another 96 eggs contained a ticket w...

  • Gianforte Best Choice!

    Gary Schlaeger, Great Falls, Mont.|Apr 20, 2017

    Greg Gianforte, a devout family man, moved to Montana decades ago and founded a company that evolved to develop “high tech” $90,000 jobs. When his growing company had a shortage of skilled labor, he started a scholarship to encourage Montana students to learn computer tech skills so they could stay in our state and get high paying jobs. He has devoted time with thousands of voters on a 75,000-mile campaign across the state to meet and listen to Montanans at rallies in big communities as well as small towns. Greg will fight for a balanced budget...

  • 25 Years of the Seeley Lake Trailblazers!

    Sara Stevenson, Member Seeley Lake Trailblazers|Apr 20, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - Come one, come all to the Seeley Lake Trailblazers' 25th anniversary dinner! On Saturday, April 29, the 4-H club will be having a spaghetti dinner with salad, bread and a dessert auction, including Kelly Hoag's delicious pies, at the Seeley Lake Community Hall. Doors open at 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. There is no set fee but per-plate donations are very appreciated. This party was made possible by Nichole Hahn, a long-standing member of the 4-H club. Hahn has been in 4-H for six years and s...

  • Horse Tradin' With Siri

    Heather Layman|Apr 20, 2017

    Every spring, we embark on long, arduous adventures crammed in a truck in search of replacement horses and mules for the ranch. This is a family tradition, and one we ALL do together. It's an opportunity to shake off the winter blues and pass along a little knowledge to the next generation; even if that only means knowing what kind of licorice to buy Grandpa at the one convenient store stop we get along the way. This spring was no different, as my folks ventured east of the divide to Havre,...

  • Gravel Pit and SMA Dominate Discussion at Council Meeting

    Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Community Council’s (SLCC) April 10 meeting covered a wide range of topics including the proposed gravel pit on Cottonwood Lakes Road and the Special Management Area (SMA) for septic systems in Seeley Lake. Presentations on housing and economic growth as well as the Seeley Lake Trails Project were also heard. Missoula County’s newest Commissioner Dave Strohmaier shared what he has been working on the last few months and took questions from the public. Cottonwood Gravel Pit Gary Lewis presented on the gravel pit...

  • Era of Megafires – Join the Conversation

    Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE - In Montana, the month of May has been designated as “Wildfire Awareness Month.” Residents of area communities are no strangers to wildfire. To help kick off Wildfire Awareness Month, several local organizations are excited to bring a traveling presentation from the Wildfire Project, titled “The Era of Megafires,” to the Seeley Lake Community Hall Thursday, April 27 at 6 p.m. Residents are invited to join local Fire & EMS organizations for a free barbecue dinner followed by a presentation featuring Dr. Paul Hessburg. Dr. Hessbur...

  • Updates from the Challenge: Weeds, Water and Swans

    Blackfoot Challenge|Apr 20, 2017

    by Elaine Caton (Swan Program Coordinator), Karen Laitala (Weed Coordinator), Zoe Leake (Intern), Sara Schmidt (Outreach Coordinator) and Jennifer Schoonen (Water Steward) Staying On Top of Invasives – The New and the Old This coming Monday, the Blackfoot Challenge and Powell County Weed District will host an update on invasive weed control strategies at the Ovando School Gym. Karen Laitala, Weed Coordinator for both groups, says she is pulling the event together in response to landowner i...

  • PHC Increasing Services at Seeley-Swan Medical Center

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE – The Seeley-Swan Medical Center (SSMC) gains a new dentist in July. At their April meeting, the Seeley-Swan Hospital District Board also approved the installation of two new sinks that will open another exam room for patients and allow for a half time phlebotomist. Dentist Dr. Peggy Walker (formerly Lowney) gave her notice in March of her impending move from Seeley Lake at the end of April. Partnership Health Center (PHC) hired Dentist Alyssa Harris as her replacement. Harris previously applied for the position. “We could have wai...

  • Last Place

    Erik Hatch, Guest Columnist - Former Youth Director First Lutheran Church Fargo N.D.|Apr 20, 2017

    My wife Emily and I watched the 5k race back in 2008 as a part of the Fargo Marathon festivities. SEVEN THOUSAND people crammed the course – seemingly on top of one another – to run the 3.1-mile race. The first place finisher clocked a time of 16 minutes and 30 seconds. The last place finisher hadn’t approached even a half mile by the time the winner crossed the tape. And while I was impressed by the person who took first place – I was blown away by those who finished near #7,000. As the pack really thinned, the fans dissipated. The walkers...

  • Free Health Screenings and Mobile Mammography Coach Coming to Condon

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    SWAN VALLEY – The Seeley-Swan Hospital District (SSHD) and ImProving Health Among Rural Montanans (IPHARM) from the University of Montana are offering free health screenings Saturday, April 29 from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Swan Valley Community Hall. The following week there will also be a Special Mammogram Event at Swan Valley Connections May 4 from 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Both events are an outreach to the Swan Valley. However anyone in the area is welcome to attend as long as appointments are avail...

  • Swan Valley Community Council ~ One, Three-year Term ~

    Apr 20, 2017

    Diann Ericson My name is Diann Ericson. I have lived in Western Montana for 47 years minus the eight years my husband Mike Childs and I taught school in Alaska's northwest arctic. During that time we were able to spend summers in the Swan. We have lived and owned a home in the Swan Valley since the early 1980s. In other words we have deep roots in the valley. Our daughter graduated from Swan Valley Elementary School and Seeley-Swan High School. I am running for Community Council because I have...

  • Seeley Lake Rural Fire District ~ Two, Three-year Terms ~

    Apr 20, 2017

    Scott Kennedy - Incumbent Incumbent seeking fifth term. Scott is current Vice Chairman of the Board and eight years previously Chairman. Scott has served more than 36 years in fire/medical, with more than 20 years as a Chief Officer. Serving in Seeley Lake since 2000, Scott was Assistant Chief and Deputy Chief for many years, currently registered NREMT, firefighter and a longtime resident of Seeley Lake. Prior goals have been met. We have hired a Chief/Paramedic that has proven worthy and being...

  • SSHS Musicians Excel at District Music Festival

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    MISSOULA – Seeley-Swan High School musicians took their talents to the stage at Big Sky High School to compete in the annual District Music Festival April 7-8. The band received a one (superior), the top rating. The choir, small vocal ensemble and soloist Cera Strumpfer received twos (excellent). Some of the things that the band has been working on is breathing and connecting the lines. They also have been working to making it more musical and less technical. Music Director Kaytee Ambrozich s...

  • Community Celebrates SSHS's New Stage

    Apr 20, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE – Seeley-Swan High School (SSHS) treated the community to a Celebration of the Arts April 12 to inaugurate the new stage and to thank the community for its support. A snap shot of the play "We Will Be Right Back After This Murder" was presented; the play will be performed April 20 at 7 p.m. The choir, band and creative writing students along with the Seeley-Swan Mountain Bell Choir also took the new stage, each sharing various selections. When the small gym was built in 1964, p...

  • Hunting for Cold Treasure

    Betty Vanderwielen, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    SEELEY LAKE – Lions Club member and official treasure hider Ellen McWilliams watched the trees dancing in the wind amid snow flurries at the Lions Club Park the day before Easter and said, "I think this is the coldest it's ever been for the Annual Easter Treasure Hunt." An eager group of 10-12-year-old prospective treasure hunters weren't the least bit deterred. They fidgeted impatiently as Seeley Lake Lion Cheryl Lewis explained the rules and read the list of items to be found. Participants c...

  • Potomac and Seeley Wrestlers Hit the Mats

    Sigrid Olson, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    POTOMAC - The Bonner Wrestling Club (BWC) had 38 members this season with 12 wrestlers representing the Seeley Lake and Potomac area. The BWC participated in seven meets over a course of six weeks, ending with state in Columbia Falls. The team organizers Josh and Cari Sessums have been involved with the BWC for nine years. Cari said the first year was spent getting established and the wrestlers practiced but not as a team. The goal of BWC is to create a family atmosphere while teaching an indivi...

  • Community Briefs

    Apr 20, 2017

    SSHS Drama presents "We'll be Right Back After this Murder," April 20 SEELEY LAKE – The Seeley-Swan High School Drama class invites the community to their performance "We'll be Right Back After this Murder" by Pat Cook April 20 at 7 p.m. in the SSHS auditorium. Tickets are $5 with children under six-years-old free. Families are $15. For more information contact Crissina Quinn at SSHS, 677-2224 Ext. 5760. Leo Club Organizational Meeting, April 24 SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Lions Club, in cooperation with the Seeley-Swan High School (SSHS), i...

  • Local Athletes Rise to the Top at Copper League Meet

    Andi Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    FRENCHTOWN – Seeley Lake Elementary (SLE) and Potomac School started their track season with their first meet of the season in Frenchtown, April 11. Athletes from 12 schools participated in the Copper League Meet. SLE Eagles The Eagles brought 50 competitors to the first meet including nine athletes from Condon and one from Ovando. While several placed in the top six, many finished first place in their events. In the girls field events, eighth-grader Bethany Hoag took first in the triple jump a...

  • Blackhawks Brave the Cold at Bigfork

    Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    BIGFORK - The Seeley-Swan Blackhawks headed to Bigfork on a snowy April 15. The Blackhawks didn't let the cool temperatures get to them as the Ladies earned 72.4 team points for fourth place and the Boys took 37 team points for sixth. Alex Bohlman led the Lady Blackhawks taking first place in the 200-meter and javelin while Cera Strumpfer cleared 9 foot in the pole vault for first place. The Ladies 4x400 relay consisting of Alex, Andi Bohlman, Lily Mercer and Cera Strumpfer took first place...

  • Nicholas and Hood Lead the Blackhawks Golf Team

    Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder|Apr 20, 2017

    The Seeley-Swan Blackhawks golf team started their week out in Ronan April 11 before heading to Bigfork April 14. McKinley Nicholas and Jessie Hood continue to make the top ten list. Nicholas’s 75 strokes at Ronan earned him second while he tied for fourth with 83 strokes at Bigfork. Hood shot a 104 in Ronan for sixth place and a 107 for tenth place at Bigfork. Nicholas’s second place finish at Ronan propelled the Blackhawks to a Class C victory over Plains, Superior and Darby. Shane Lindemer finished just outside the top ten with 94 str...

  • "Vintage Hollywood" SSHS Prom, April 14

    Apr 20, 2017

  • "Vintage Hollywood" SSHS Prom, April 14

    Apr 20, 2017

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