Articles written by Lee Bridges

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  • All politics is local

    Lee Bridges Candidate for HD92, East Missoula, Mont.|Nov 1, 2018

    All politics is local. Let’s use my marriage to my husband and best friend, for example. We’re not exactly the same; we have our differences, but just like our neighbors, we have far more in common than we have differences. We work out our differences with discussion, listening, negotiations and compromises. The process makes us creative and the outcome gives us an inspiring, collaborating relationship. There’s no “winner takes all”; instead, it’s a process of compromise between two cooperating parties. On some matters, we can simply agre...

  • Voting, the Strongest Power we have in our Democracy

    Lee Bridges Candidate for HD92, East Missoula, Mont.|Nov 1, 2018

    Over the past decades, campaigns have gotten increasingly vicious, claiming unsubstantiated falsehoods to sway voters. Timing is everything and deceptive ads appear in the last days and hours before the election to influence voters. It’s gotten so out of hand that Montana has enacted the Clean Campaign Act. Part of the reason I’ve chosen to run is to change the level of civility we have in our government. In general, we need to improve how we treat each other. We’ve lost sight in this country of the fact we are the employers of the peopl...

  • Open letter to Mike Hopkins

    Lee Bridges, East Missoula, Mont.|Oct 25, 2018

    Dear Mike: In your last letter to the editor you accused me and my staff of sending out attack ads against you. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, none of my campaign literature or ads have ever even mentioned you. As you said, like you I am proud that our campaign against each other has been conducted by the highest standards of ethics and civility. Over the last few months we have had many conversations and, although we are opponents, they have never been acrimonious. Your last couple of letters have surprised and shocked me,...

  • Thank you HD92

    Lee Bridges Candidate for HD92, East Missoula, Mont.|Oct 25, 2018

    Thank you, residents of House District 92! You have graciously welcomed me at your homes and at all the many events I have attended this past year. I am a hardworking, blue collar worker and public servant. I live in House District 92 and have for 35 years, while my opponent does not. I understand our issues and I am proud to run on my own merits, listening to all sides of the issues with everyone in my District, regardless of party affiliation. By listening to everyone, without passing judgment, I find we have much more in common than we have...

  • An invitation to share your ideas

    Lee Bridges, Missoula, Mont.|Aug 23, 2018

    SEELEY LAKE - Hello everyone, I’m Lee Bridges and I’m running to represent House District 92 in Helena. Thanks to those of you who voted for me in the June primary. Please join me Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 6 – 8 p.m., at the home of Addrien Marx and Jim McLean for a Meet Your Candidate open house and fund raiser: 380 Morrell Creek Drive, Seeley Lake. Between now and the November election I will be working to learn more from you about how we can all build a better Montana. I want to earn your vote. I’ve heard from many of you as I knock on doors a...

  • Thank You House District 92

    Lee Bridges, Missoula, Mont.|Jun 14, 2018

    Hi, friends and neighbors! I’d like to thank everyone in Seeley Lake and surrounding areas for your support and votes in the Democratic Primary, June 5th! I look forward to continuing what I’ve been doing, which is attending meetings, events, meeting one-on-one with folks and listening to your concerns for our rural District. I knocked on more than 2,000 doors in the primary and enjoyed the conversations we had, including with Republicans and Independents. Your thoughts and ideas are important to me. Regardless of your party, whether you...

  • Don't Miss "The Era of Megafires"

    Lee Bridges, East Missoula, Mont.|May 17, 2018

    I know our minds are all on the high floodwaters, the obstructed roadways, and flooded homes, but looking at the long game, I see a very vibrant Spring season for foliage and fire fuels. If we get a dry period this summer, that will be prime dry fuel for fire season. I urge everyone in the Potomac area to attend the Potomac Community Wildfire Preparedness Event at the Potomac Community Center on Tuesday, May 22, from 6-8 p.m. There will be a community BBQ and showing of the documentary, Era of Megafires, by Dr. Paul Hessburg. The Era of...

  • Building Bridges to Common Ground for HD92

    Lee Bridges, Democratic Candidate for House District 92|May 10, 2018

    Hi, I am Lee Bridges running to represent you in HD92. I share your Montana values and love for our magnificent state. Let's Build Bridges to Common Ground to enact sensible problem-solving legislation in this divisive political environment. As your representative, I will bring my 40 years of experience as a blue-collar tradesperson as well as my lifetime of public service. I am a mobilizer, problem-solver and strong voice in our community. I have the skills and understanding it takes to work wi...

  • Bridges Announces Run for House District 92

    Lee Bridges|Feb 22, 2018

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." That's a quote by Margaret Mead that I have embraced all my adult life. Hi, I'm Lee Bridges and I'm running as a Democrat to represent House District 92 in Helena. I've lived in our District since 1984. I recognize that while we may have differences on some issues, our core Montana values are essentially the same. We live in one of the most beautiful areas in...

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