Articles written by Jon Bergen

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 14 of 14

  • Election thoughts

    Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Oct 31, 2024

    It is the week before election Tuesday. I am pretty sure we are all tired of election fliers. I know I have issues that I hold as values that I judge the candidates by, but I’ll try to keep that to myself. Thomas Jefferson said, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” I’m not going to say who or what issues in this missive, but I have a few scriptural principles I can share and then leave it to you to make up your own mind. Our challenge is we say we want change and we need something different, yet it seems to me that all the...

  • Grace in the middle of sad events

    Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Oct 17, 2024

    So many topics, but my heart grieves for events locally. As happens in every community, we have had some sad events in our community. A couple of Saturdays ago, a guy was driving erratically, passing in no passing zones and shooting randomly. Leading to a police encounter and ending with him taking his own life. Then the next day, two gals and another couple were involved in a collision just south of our town. There were fatalities and others went to hospital. Of course, it is life in a small town, so the gossip is flying, the rumors are...

  • Where is the truth?

    Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Sep 12, 2024

    There is a confusion these days about a thing called truth. It is that cliché of, “How can you tell if a politician is lying? Their lips are moving.” But it shouldn’t be that way. Jesus said for us to let your yea be yea and your nay, nay. And anything more is what comes from evil. (Matthew 5:37) Truth has become a relative thing instead of the immutable thing it should be. The day of the scientific method is quickly falling behind us. I have been told many times that whilst I believe something, that it is just “my truth” and it is not for th...

  • Thought for the day

    Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Jul 11, 2024

    There are days that depth of spirituality looms massively. There are other days that there is just a steady stream of awareness that God is good and present in day-to-day living. As the country song reminds us, “some days a diamond, some days a stone.” Diamonds and stones both have value, it just depends on where you find them and what you do with them. A Christian faith is like that as well. It is stony times that build foundations for us. Try building anything with a diamond but try carrying a foundation stone on your finger. Neither wor...

  • Thought for the week - Paradise!

    Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|May 23, 2024

    What thoughts come to mind when you see the word paradise? For some it is a lovely beach with sunshine and warm sand. Maybe paradise is the view from the top of a mountain. For me, it would be a big shop building with all sorts of tools and projects with time to work on them all. We all have our own ideas of what makes paradise in our lives. Spring comes in many forms. I just know that I now laugh at the idea of April showers bringing May flowers. Spring is that time of perfect temps, not too hot and not too cool, cool nights and warmish days....

  • Easter celebrations

    Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Apr 4, 2024

    Having come from Scotland the Easter refrain was given by the minister as “He is Risen!” to which the reply was the obvious reply of “He is Risen Indeed!” I am blessed to have a church family that knows that here in Seeley Lake and replies in kind. After the cacophony of Palm Sunday and the celebration of Easter, I find church life is a bit slower paced in the church calendar. So much so that in Scotland the Sunday following Easter is called Low Sunday for a reason. The Sunday after Easter the attendance is LOW! I’m hoping it will not be so her...

  • Identity Matters

    Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Feb 8, 2024

    I was able to celebrate one year of being in Seeley Lake the first of January. I’m not sure where the year has flown to, but despite my best efforts it has come and gone and though in many ways I am still a stranger here, I am feeling right at home. Scotland is still a beloved part of my life, and still, I have many connections each week back to Brechin. It is a challenge at times to be American, then Scottish and now trying to become American again. Then try to add the twist of becoming a Montanan. So, who am I really? I have been preaching t...

  • Growing to love the Advent Season

    Pastor Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Dec 7, 2023

    Thanksgiving has come and gone; it is time to start reflecting on the Advent Season. After 21 years in Scotland, the Lectionary became a part of my Advent season build up to Christmas. I wish I could do the whole of the Advent writing to build the beauty of the incarnation. Ultimately Christmas is about the incarnation and God coming in the flesh, in the person of Jesus Christ, on our behalf. I have not always been a big fan of Christmas. The commercialism and ‘sell, sell, sell’ being the mantra does my head in. Och aye, this is why year aft...

  • What a mess!

    Rev. Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Oct 19, 2023

    Two big events recently are the Afghan earthquake and the Israel/Hamas conflict. There is still the Ukraine situation ongoing but out of the spotlight for the moment. Sadly, the devastation in the earthquake has been overshadowed by the Israel/Hamas conflict. The death toll will probably never be known as the area is burying the dead almost as fast as they are found. Prayers for the Afghan people in that area are most appropriate. Honestly, I’m not sure where to start with a response. Perhaps best to start with the problem, it’s that crazy old...

  • Thought for the day

    Rev. Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Sep 21, 2023

    I bought a used snowblower on a 78 degree day. End of summer in Montana, I think we spend six months planning for winter and six months living winter. Everyone is buying, cutting, splitting and stacking firewood in anticipation of snowy cold weather. Amazing. Last week it was 9-11, a day that lives in our memories and we all have stories to tell about where we were and thoughts evoked as the news got out. After that day, the thoughts that have woven their way throughout our society and way we live, are interesting to contemplate. There are...

  • A passage on freedom

    Rev. Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Jun 29, 2023

    The Fourth of July is coming between now and the time the next edition of the paper comes out so thought that would be a journey worth taking. As I write this Juneteenth has just happened. I think this is a worthy celebration as we consider those that were enslaved in the past. I’m just trying to figure how it went from a local Texas holiday, to a national one, well worthy of recognition because the slaves in Texas were finally notified on that day almost two and a half years after they were actually free. Freedom matters. After living in S...

  • How we came to be here

    Reverend Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Jun 8, 2023

    Last time I wrote Passages it was too close to Easter for really doing any kind of proper introduction. I note in the Passages dated June 1, that Jonah was mentioned in a contrast of Jonah to Isaiah, and the heart’s willingness and result. I can well relate to that story of Jonah. A quick “who I am,” I identify as a follower of Jesus Christ. I tell folk I don’t do religion well, but I am trying to do Jesus better and better. Too often we identify by what we do, so, I’ll give a wee glimpse into that as well. I was born a Nebraska boy but at an... Full story

  • Easter Sunday

    Jon Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Apr 6, 2023

    Rev Jon Bergen Seeley Lake Baptist Church It has been of interest to me as the new kid on the block to read other’s Passages thoughts. The thoughts on Laments and the suffering of Christ echo where we should lead off in dealing with this Easter Season. Whilst Easter is a single day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, the journey to the cross and the grave was anything but pleasing. The cry of Jesus in the garden is not to be missed or taken lightly as we hear the voice crying ‘take this cup from me’. But for us in our secular world this... Full story

  • No matter where we go, there we are

    Rev. Jon Bergen, Pastor, Seeley Lake Baptist Church|Jan 5, 2023

    Rev. Jon Bergen has moved from Scotland to be the new minister at Seeley Lake Baptist Church beginning Jan. 1. Ahead of starting his new position, he shared some thoughts on celebrating “Hogmany” and his anticipation of building new relationships in Seeley Lake in 2023. Christmas is past and the New Year is about to begin. Happy Hogmany (Scottish for New Years Eve), it may be a wee while before I say that and people understand what I mean. As the new year starts, I’ll be starting my new adventure in Seeley Lake, Montana. A new year, a new l...

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